What do the 8 Trigrams mean?

What do the 8 Trigrams mean?

The eight diagrams symbolize the eight natural phenomena: sky, earth, thunder, wind, water, fire, mountain and lake. So, the picture represented the ancient Chinese early knowledge of the universe.

What is the meaning of the bagua symbol?

The bagua, consisting of eight sets of three lines, broken and unbroken in different combinations, represent natural forces. They are often seen in conjunction with the yin-yang symbol, which represents the female-male principle, and which has been well described by the pottery scholar R.L. Hobson as…

What is a trigram in feng shui?

The Eight Trigram Each trigram consists of three male or female lines; and combined in various combinations; the trigram symbolises heaven, earth, water, fire dampness, wind thunder or mountains. The trigrams can be superimposed upon each other, and in this way 8 x 8 = 64 hexagrams are obtained.

Who is Zhao Huiqian?

Zhao Huiqian (趙撝謙, 1351–1395) was the first to introduce the “swirling” variant of the taijitu in his Liushu benyi (六書本義, 1370s). The diagram is combined with the eight trigrams (bagua) and called the “River Chart spontaneously generated by Heaven and Earth”.

Is Yang hard or soft?

To understand it, let’s break down the symbol into its two constituent parts. The Yin, or the dark side, is associated with everything hard, negative, cold, wet, and feminine. The Yang, or the light side, is associated with things soft, positive, warm, dry, and masculine.

Who created yin-yang?

The origins of the yinyang idea are obscure but ancient. In China in the 3rd century BCE, it formed the basis of an entire school of cosmology whose leading exponent was Zou Yan.

What is bigram and trigram?

n-gram. of n words: a 2-gram (which we’ll call bigram) is a two-word sequence of words. like “please turn”, “turn your”, or ”your homework”, and a 3-gram (a trigram) is a three-word sequence of words like “please turn your”, or “turn your homework”.

What element is marble in Feng Shui?

earth element
It provides a base for the rest of the elements. Stone, such as granite and marble, as an earth element in design and decoration, can affect the harmony of Feng Shui. Using stone in your home or business for everything from counter tops, tiles, to water fountains, brings these qualities to your environment.

What is the difference between yin yang and Yang trigrams?

Recalling the correspondence aspect of Yin Yang, those Trigrams where the Primary Yao are Yang belongs to the group of Yang Trigrams whereas those where the primary Yao are Yin belongs to the group of Yin Trigrams.

What are the 8 trigrams?

The eight trigrams are basic symbols of Eastern philosophy. They are found everywhere throughout the Orient. They are even depicted on the flag of South Korea. Each of the eight trigrams has an inner structure, image, motivation and essence as shown in the following chart: 1. Sense 2. Think 3. Feel 4. Will 5. Body 6. Soul 7. Spirit 8. Awareness

What is yin and Yin in trigonometry?

Yin is space, dark, weak. Yang is the direction upwards, Yin downwards. Yang is the closed circle, Yin is the open angle. Yang is clockwise, Yin counter-clockwise. Yang is hard, resistant and tense, Yin is soft, yielding and relaxed. By the use of the two kinds of lines each trigram also has yin and yang.

What is the primary Yao for each trigram?

For those Trigrams where the Yin Yang of all 3 Yao is similar; the Primary Yao for that Trigram is the middle Yao. For the rest, the lesser of either the Yin or Yang Yao is the Primary Yao.