What does emo mean Whatsapp?

What does emo mean Whatsapp?

Second Definition of EMO

Definition: Emotional
Type: Word and Abbreviation
Guessability: 2: Quite easy to guess
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

What do the faces on Facebook mean?

They are a face with its eyes closed and mouth wide, meaning “Haha”; a gasping face indicating “Wow”; a frowning person meaning “Sad”; and a red face that means “Angry”. One emoji, depicting a smug face with rosy cheeks, was meant to indicate “Yay”.

What does ❤ mean on Facebook?

What does Red Heart emoji ❤️ mean? The red heart emoji is used in warm emotional contexts. It can be used to express gratitude, love, happiness, hope, or even flirtatiousness.

What are the like symbols on Facebook?

Along with the famous light blue thumb, the icons now include a read heart (“love”), a laughing face (“haha”), a surprised face (“wow”), a tearing face (“sad”), and an angry face (“angry”). To select one, users hover above or tap the “like” button until a menu of options pop up.

Does emo mean emotional?

emotional hardcore Contrary to popular belief, “emo” is not short for “emotional” and it doesn’t necessarily imply that someone is sensitive, shy, or introverted, even though the term has morphed and is now used in this way. For example “My friend’s dog is overly sensitive so they nicknamed him emo.”

What does this emoji mean 🤭 from a guy?

🤭Meaning and Description This is an emoji with round eyes, smiling with a hand over his mouth. It means to cover your mouth, not to speak, to mute. On the Internet, people generally express emotions of rapture, smirk, shy smile, or happiness.

How do I put a ❤ on my Facebook wall?

About This Article

  1. Open Facebook.
  2. Find the post or comment you want to heart.
  3. Hover over (desktop) or hold down (mobile) the Like button.
  4. Select the heart emoji.

How do you do the heart Reaction on Facebook?

What is a emo person like?

What is a emo person like? An emo person tends to be quiet, introspective or shy, and can be creative. They spend time alone or with people who share their interests listening to music or making emo-influenced art. They have deep emotions but aren’t always only angry or sad.

What is the meaning of emo?

Emo (person) Emo (person)- someone who is more emotional about things than others. Usually listens to Emo (music). Just because someone is emo it doesnt mean they cut themselves some do some dont.

How do you know if someone is an emo?

Get a Emo (person) mug for your cousin Bob. Someone who is In touch more with their emotion. Prefers to be alone. Most of the time wears all black, possibly band shirts, skinny jeans, fringed /bangs hair. Usually died black. Likes music, writing poetry. Some emos cut not all do. Most emos dress like this or look like this.

Why do emo bands dress like that?

Actual “emo” music existed in the late 80’s and was a subgenre of hardcore punk rock, after all, “emo” is a shortening of ” Emotional hardcore punk rock”. The people in early emo bands dressed like regular people, everyday guys/girls who just played music that they enjoyed.

Are emo people actually deppresed?

Some (not all) emo people actually are deppresed so be careful if you talk about that as a joke as some people might take offence .