What does Franck Condon principle state?

What does Franck Condon principle state?

The Franck-Condon principle states that electron rearrangements occur so rapidly that nuclei can be considered as stationary until the rearrangement is complete.

How are Franck condons calculated?

To calculate the overlap of zeroth ground state level (v=0) with the first excited state level (v′=1) we use the Hermite polynomial H1(x)=2x for describing the excited state wavefunction (see here for a review on harmonic oscillator wavefunctions). Here x=√α(R−Qe).

What do you mean by Condon parabola?

The Condon parabola is a convenient means of displaying and visualizing the values of Franck-Condon factors for transitions between two electronic states of a diatomic molecule.

What is dissociation and Predissociation?

If excitation transfers a molecule in a state containing more energy than the separated components (atoms, or molecules), dissociation takes place. Above the dissociation limit the energy is not quantized and energy continuum appears instead of discrete energy levels.

What is vibrational progression?

Vibronic progression can be seen in the absorption and emission spectra. Vibronic progression means that there is a coupling to vibrational modes in a polymer or oligomer resulting in excitation from the ground state to the excited state, or emission from the excited state down to the ground state.

What is electronic spectroscopy?

electron spectroscopy, method of determining the energy with which electrons are bound in chemical species by measuring the kinetic energies of the electrons emitted upon bombardment of the species with X-ray or ultraviolet radiation.

What is dissociation and Predissociation Spectra?

In some spectra the discrete energy level structure disappears already for energies which are below the dissociation limit but reappears again at some higher energies. This phenomenon is called predissociation.

What is meant by Predissociation?

Definition of predissociation : the transition without emission of radiation of a molecule from a stable excited state to an unstable excited state that leads to dissociation.

What is Condon parabola?

What is vibrational spectroscopy used for?

Infrared spectroscopy (IR spectroscopy or vibrational spectroscopy) is the measurement of the interaction of infrared radiation with matter by absorption, emission, or reflection. It is used to study and identify chemical substances or functional groups in solid, liquid, or gaseous forms.

What is ESCA write its applications?

Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA), also called X-ray Photoelectron. Spectroscopy (XPS), is a surface analysis technique that provides composition and chemical. bonding information on the surface of the sample. ESCA can detect all elements except. hydrogen and helium.

What are the types of electronic spectroscopy?

There are two types of electron spectroscopy: Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).