What does it mean to be in the dumps?

What does it mean to be in the dumps?

Definition of down in the dumps informal. : feeling very sad I guess I’m just down in the dumps.

How do you use down in the dumps in a sentence?

Sentence examples — I’ve been down in the dumps since my cat died. — Every winter I feel down in the dumps when it gets dark really early in the evening. — She’s been down in the dumps since her parents announced they are getting divorced. — My diet was going so well until the holidays started.

What is the idiom for Down in the dumps?

If you are down in the dumps, you are feeling very depressed and miserable. [informal] She’s feeling a bit down in the dumps and needs cheering up. Synonyms: down, low, blue, sad More Synonyms of down in the dumps.

Where did down in the dumps come from?

DOWN IN THE DUMPS – “Someone down in the dumps may momentarily feel ready to be hauled off to the garbage dump, but the ‘dumps’ in the expression derives from the Dutch ‘domp,’ ‘mental haze or dullness,’ or from the German ‘dumpf,’ ‘close, heavy, oppressive, gloomy.

What is the idiom down in the mouth?

down in the mouth in American English down at the mouth. dejected; depressed; disheartened. Ever since you lost your job, you have been looking very down in the mouth.

What does ran riot mean?

If people run riot, they behave in a wild and uncontrolled manner. Rampaging prisoners ran riot through the jail. Synonyms: rampage, go wild, be out of control, raise hell More Synonyms of to run riot.

Why are you down in the dump?

If you are down in the dumps, you are feeling very depressed and miserable. She’s feeling a bit down in the dumps and needs cheering up.

How do you use dump?

Used with adverbs: “You can legally dump garbage here.” “They illegally dump toxic waste in the city’s landfill.” “They dumped the trash overboard.” “He quickly dumped his girlfriend.”

Who is a dump person?

to dump someone: to stop dating someone; to end a relationship with someone. verb.

What is the meaning of the idiom down and out?

destitute; penniless
without any money, or means of support, or prospects; destitute; penniless. without physical strength or stamina; disabled; incapacitated.