What does Lymphohistiocytic mean?

What does Lymphohistiocytic mean?

Lymphohistiocytic definition Filters. (cytology, physiology) Relating to both lymphocytes and histiocytes.

What is a superficial inflammatory response?

Most common superficial inflammatory dermatoses involve the first compartment/unit of the skin. The most common pattern of reaction encountered is the superficial perivascular inflammatory infiltrate. A transient inflammatory stimulus results in slight hyperaemia and a mild perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate.

What is perivascular infiltration?

Perivascular lymphocytic infiltration therefore has been identified in a variety of systemic vasculitides affecting small, medium, and large vessels and also is a characteristic feature of both acute and chronic forms of dermatitis.

What is HLH disease symptoms?

Fever and enlargement of the spleen are the most common symptoms of HLH. There are many other possible symptoms, including: Enlargement of your liver. Swollen lymph nodes.

What is a Lymphohistiocytic infiltrate?

Lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner is a skin condition characterized by small, red, bumps on the face, neck, and upper back. The bumps usually last for several months or longer and can enlarge to create a red plaque. Typically, there are no other symptoms, although rarely, individuals may experience burning or itching.

What does Lymphohistiocytic infiltrate mean?

Lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner is a rare skin condition that may be characterized by non-cancerous (benign) buildup of white blood cells, which present as lesions or lumps on the skin.

What is purpose of inflammatory response?

The goals of the inflammatory response are to: Prevent initial establishment of infection or remove damaged tissue. Prevent the spread of infection or repair damaged tissue. Recruit effector cells if the immune cells of the innate immune system cannot control infection or repair damaged tissue.

What does lymphocytes mean in medical terms?

Listen to pronunciation. (LIM-foh-site) A type of immune cell that is made in the bone marrow and is found in the blood and in lymph tissue. The two main types of lymphocytes are B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes.

What causes lymphocytic inflammation?

[1] [2] [3] The underlying cause of lymphocytic colitis is currently unknown; however, scientists suspect that autoimmune conditions, medications, infections, genetic factors, and/or bile acid malabsorption may contribute to the development of the condition. [2]

Is perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate dangerous?

The most common pattern of reaction encountered is the superficial perivascular inflammatory infiltrate. A transient inflammatory stimulus results in slight hyperaemia and a mild perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate. If the stimulus persists, interstitial oedema and endothelial swelling develop.

What is lymphohistiocytic infiltrate of the skin?

What is a Lymphohistiocytic infiltrate? Jessner’s lymphocytic infiltrate (JLI), also called benign lymphocytic infiltration of the skin, is a rare, benign dermatosis with a self-limiting course and an excellent prognosis. It typically presents as erythematous papules and plaques primarily located on the face, neck, or upper back.

What is mild lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate?

Up to 40 percent of people with LPL have a mild form of anemia. Other symptoms of LPL may include: weakness and fatigue (often caused by anemia) fever, night sweats, and weight loss (generally