What does psittacosis do to birds?

What does psittacosis do to birds?

In birds, the symptoms include poor appetite, ruffled appearance, eye or nose discharge, green or yellow-green droppings, and diarrhea (loose droppings). Occasionally, birds may die from the disease. Some birds may shed the bacteria while exhibiting only mild or no symptoms.

How do you treat psittacosis in birds?

Thankfully, there is a treatment for psittacosis. Since birds cannot safely take the same kinds of antibiotics as other animals, your bird’s veterinarian will likely prescribe doxycycline, an antibiotic in the tetracycline class of drugs, for 45 days to treat the disease through all stages.

Do all birds carry psittacosis?

Chlamydophilosis, also called “psittacosis”, “chlamydiosis” or “Parrot Fever”, is a reasonably common disease of birds. It can occur in any bird but is especially common in cockatiels, Amazon parrots and budgerigars (often referred to incorrectly as parakeets.)

What is bird chlamydiosis?

​Avian chlamydiosis is a bacterial disease caused by Chlamydia psittaci, which is carried commonly by birds. Humans can catch the disease by breathing in dust containing dried saliva, feathers, mucous and droppings from infected birds. Infection in humans is called psittacosis.

How do you know if a bird has psittacosis?

Psittacines can have signs ranging from dyspnea (trouble breathing) to oculonasal discharge to anorexia to bright green feces to regurgitation and/or vomiting. The bird may also have neurologic signs, especially in cockatiels, which may suffer tremors or twisting of the head, body, and neck.

How is bird psittacosis diagnosed?

Therefore, your veterinarian may do blood tests, take X-rays, or run some additional specific tests to more definitively diagnose psittacosis. Those specific tests include measuring antibody levels in the bird’s blood and testing for C psittaci in swabs from the bird’s mouth, eyes and vent.

How do I know if my bird has psittacosis?

What type of bacteria is psittacosis?

Characteristics. Psittacosis is an infection of birds caused by the bacterium C. psittaci. The disease has been described in many species of birds, particularly in parrots, parakeets, budgerigars and cockatiels.

Can psittacosis in birds be cured?

Psittacosis is a type of lung infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia psittaci. Chlamydia psittaci is commonly carried by birds of the parrot family including budgerigars, lovebirds and parakeets. This disease can be readily treated with antibiotics.

Can humans get psittacosis?

Psittacosis can be spread from person to person or from other animals to humans but this happens very rarely. All birds are susceptible to infection, but pet birds (for example: budgies, lorikeets and cockatiels) are most frequently involved in passing the infection to humans.

How do you prevent psittacosis?


  1. Keep cages clean; clean cages and food and water bowls daily.
  2. Position cages so that food, feathers, and droppings cannot spread between them (i.e., do not stack cages, use solid-sided cases or barriers if cages are next to each other).
  3. Avoid over-crowding.
  4. Isolate and treat infected birds.

What are the signs and symptoms of psittacosis?

Symptoms of psittacosis are similar to the symptoms of other respiratory illnesses….The most common symptoms include:

  • Fever and chills.
  • Headache.
  • Muscle aches.
  • Dry cough.

What is psittacosis and how does it affect birds?

Psittacosis organisms can target cells in the bird’s digestive tract, respiratory tract, or the entire body. It replicates at a rapid rate in the cells and can be found in the blood and shed as quickly as 72 hours after exposure. Once the organism enters the host or the environment it can be long-lived and difficult to eradicate.

What is psittacosis (lung infection)?

Less commonly, these bacteria can infect people and cause a disease called psittacosis. Psittacosis can cause mild illness or pneumonia (lung infection). To help prevent this illness, follow good precautions when handling and cleaning birds and cages.

What is the difference between ornithosis and psittacosis?

In certain contexts, the word is used when the disease is carried by any species of birds belonging to the family Psittacidae, whereas ornithosis is used when other birds carry the disease. In humans, after an incubation period of 5–19 days, the symptoms of the disease range from inapparent illness to systemic illness with severe pneumonia.

What is the history of psittacosis?

Psittacosis was one of more than a dozen agents that the United States researched as potential biological weapons before the nation suspended its biological weapons program. In 1930, during the 1929–1930 psittacosis pandemic, Lena Rose Pepperdine died of parrot fever.