What does SMH mean when texted?

What does SMH mean when texted?

shaking my head
If you’ve been online or received a text message with SMH used in it, don’t let it confuse you. It’s a popular online acronym used in social media posts or in text messages to express the physical body language of “shaking my head” in resignation, disappointment, disagreement, frustration, or disbelief.

What does N.B. means in a text?

nota bene
◊ The abbreviation NB comes from the Latin phrase “nota bene,” which means “mark well.”

What does SMT mean?

SMT’s meaning as an acronym SMT often means “sucking my teeth.” It’s a way of expressing the gesture of frustration in a text post. On Instagram, SMT stands for “send me this.” Anime fans may however recognize SMT as shorthand for the video game series Shin Megami Tensei.

How do you use NB example?

Also, notice that N.B. is the only Latin abbreviation that should be capitalized. Example: N.B.: While all of the study participants were interviewed about their prior medical histories, researchers did not have access to their medical records to confirm the accuracy of self-reported data.

How is NB used?

People use “N.B.” at the end of a writing (say, a letter) to add a piece of information. Equally, I find people using “P.S.” in the end of a writing (usually, a letter) to add a piece of information. Literally, “N.B.” stands for “Nota Bene” and “P.S.” for “Post Script”.

What is SMH so much hate?

SMH can have other meanings besides “shaking my head.” You can also use it to abbreviate the phrase “so much hate.” If you want to use SMH with this meaning, you should do it in a different context than you would “shaking my head.” For example, SMH as “so much hate” is an appropriate response to a hurtful or uneducated …

What does sth mean in text?

STH means “Something.” STH is a contraction of the word “something.” It is used for brevity in informal writing or texts.

What does s u mean?

SU, or S/U, is a common internet slang that can stand for a variety of different things via text messaging or on social media sites like Snapchat and Instagram. According to Urban Dictionary, SU can stand for “swipe up.” This is usually used in different frames of sponsored Snapchat or Instagram stories.

What does HYU mean?

hit you up
HYU is slang acronym meaning hit you up. It is used in both texting and on social media. It’s the counterpart to HMU (hit me up).