What has more kick 30-06 or 270?
270 Winchester load still hits 4-8″ higher than all three . 30-06 loads. Not only does the . 270 Winchester have a noticeably flatter trajectory, but that particular load generates 22-36% less free recoil energy than those three .
Does a 270 have a lot of kick?
270 Winchester with a 140-grain bullet traveling at 3,000 fps generates 17.1 pounds of recoil using an 8-pound rifle.
Does a 30-06 kick hard?
30-06 will kick 34 percent harder. Though some will argue you gotta get used to recoil if you’re going to hunt big game, it’s an established fact, the harder a rifle kicks, the more difficult it is to shoot with consistent precision.
How much kick does a 30-06 have?
Using these formulas, you’ll find a 180-grain bullet fired at 3,000 fps from an 8½-pound rifle in . 300 Winchester delivers about 30.5 foot-pounds of recoil. A same-weight . 30-06 dishes out roughly 22 foot-pounds.
Is a 270 good for deer hunting?
270 Winchester one of the most popular big-game hunting cartridges of all time. He cemented its merit far and wide by using it to stack up big-game animals around the globe—including untold numbers of North American deer. For hunters who exclusively pursue deer, the . 270 Winchester is tough to beat.
Is a 270 good for elk?
270, especially when mated with the tough, deep-penetrating, weight-retaining bullets we have today, is not a “big gun” on elk, but is adequate for any elk that walks, with careful shot placement.
Is a 243 or 270 better for deer hunting?
Both hunting calibers are wildly successful and have their distinct advantages. The 270, with its heavier bullets, is particularly devastating against large game, while the 243 uses lighter projectiles that many deer hunters prefer for its low felt recoil and flat shooting tendencies.
Is a 30-06 Overkill a deer?
30-06 is probably better and more versatile than it ever was. With a good 150-grain bullet it shoots flat enough for just about any deer hunting you can think of and is just fine for the largest whitetail and mule deer. With a 180-grain bullet it’s awesome for elk, black bear, and moose.
How far will a 270 shoot?
A 270 rifle is a great choice for hunting game in the mid-sized to large range. It can shoot accurately up to about 500 yards, making it perfect for taking down big game animals like deer or elk.