What hospitals in Texas do heart transplants?

What hospitals in Texas do heart transplants?

Our team at Baylor University Medical Center has completed 1,000* heart transplants, more than any other program in North Texas, and was the first hospital in Texas to perform heart transplant.

How many heart transplants does Vanderbilt do?

Vanderbilt University Medical Center performed more heart transplants in 2020 than any other center in the world — 124 adult hearts, 23 pediatric hearts and VUMC’s first heart-lung transplant since 2006.

How do you pay for a heart transplant?

Different ways to pay for a heart transplant

  1. Private insurance will often pay for the majority of the heart transplant cost.
  2. Secondary insurance comes into play to pick up where primary insurance leaves off.
  3. Medicare will cover heart transplant cost; however, it is not available to everyone.

How long is heart transplant list?

How long is the waiting list? Unfortunately, the waiting times for heart transplants are long – often more than six months. Each patient on our waiting list returns for an outpatient visit to our transplant clinic every two to three months, or more frequently if necessary.

Can you live a full life with a heart transplant?

The worldwide heart transplant survival rate is greater than 85 percent after one year and 69 percent after 5 years for adults, which is excellent when compared to the natural course of end-stage heart failure. The first year after surgery is the most important in regards to heart transplant survival rate.

Which hospital does most heart transplants?

Photo by Cedars-Sinai. For the 10th consecutive year, the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai ranked first in the country for completing more adult heart transplants than any other U.S. medical center.

Which hospital performed the first heart transplant?

Thirty-five years ago today, surgeon Christiaan Barnard performed the first human heart transplant on a human being at the Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa.

Does insurance cover a heart transplant?

Public health insurance programs, such as Medicaid and Medicare, have been instrumental in providing access to heart transplantation and other solid organ transplants for patients unable to afford private insurance.