What is a badass name for a dog?

What is a badass name for a dog?

They are divided into badass male dog names and badass female dog names….Badass Working Dog Names.

Badass Male Working Dog Names Badass Female Working Dog Names
Ace Akira
Albert Alba
Alvin Alessa
Apollo Alexa

What are some unique dog names?

Most Popular Unique Dog Names

  • Ana.
  • Arwen.
  • Bambam.
  • Bb.
  • Beckett.
  • Beethoven.
  • Bellatrix.
  • Bill.

What are good warrior names for dogs?

Strong Dog Names

  • Oscar: Hebrew, translates to “divine strength”
  • Takeo: Japanese, translates to “warrior, strong like bamboo”
  • Remo: Greek, translates to “the strong one”
  • Ekon: African, translates to “strong”
  • Maude: German, translates to “mighty battler”
  • Audie: English, translates to “noble strength”

What is a cool name for a pitbull?

Strong, loyal, and confident, pit bulls are perfectly suited to one of these cool names.

  • Butch.
  • Aragorn.
  • Blaze.
  • Vixen.
  • Spike.
  • Ajax.
  • Harley.
  • Zelda.

What is the #1 dog name?

The top ten list, in order by popularity for both male and female dogs combined, is: 1)“Bella” followed by; 2) “Luna;” 3) “Charlie;” 4) “Lucy;” 5) “Cooper;” 6) “Max;” 7) “Bailey;” 8) “Daisy;” 9) “Sadie,” and; 10) “Lola.”

What is the rarest dog?

5 of the World’s Rarest Dog Breeds

  1. Norwegian Lundehund. Dating back to the Ice Age, the Norwegian Lundehund is recognised as one of the rarest dog breeds on the planet due to its unique characteristics, which aren’t shared by any other breed.
  2. Lagotto Romagnolo.
  3. Azawakh.
  4. Otterhound.
  5. Mudi.

What dog name means fearless?

Male Dog Names Meaning Fearless

Votes Name
0 Ashanka A fearless individual
0 Abhey One who is fearless and courageous
0 Aman One who is fearless and protective
0 Aabheer Refers to one who is fearless

Whats a good name for a black pitbull?

From unique ideas, to the cutest or toughest Pitbull puppy names around….Tough Pitbull names

  • Arnie.
  • Boxer.
  • Brawler.
  • Bruiser.
  • Brutus.
  • Butch.
  • Chomp.
  • Chopper.

What are some slang terms in lacrosse?

Lacrosse Slang Terms. Cannon / Crank / Frozen Rope / Rope / Lazer / Howie (howitzer): a hard shot. That dude has got a cannon. Cheap it (Cheap the ball) / Gilman: Slang for clearing the ball from the defensive end with a long random pass into the offensive end.

What is the best sports name for a dog?

Top 96 Sports-Themed Names for Your Dog (Andre) Agassi (Muhammad) Ali (Anton Ohno) Apolo Babe (Ruth) (David) Beckham Bo (Jackson) (Usain) Bolt (Tom) Brady Ty (Cobb) (Jack) Dempsey Emmitt (Smith) (Walt or Joe) Frazier Gordy (Howe) (Ken) Griffey Honus (Wagner)

What is a ball Hunt in lacrosse?

Ball Hunt / Egg Hunt / Pill Hunt / any slang word for ball + Hunt: a practice ritual where players search for lost balls in the grass, woods, bushes, etc. Black Hole: a ball hog. Don’t throw it to him, he’s a black hole. Boarding: In indoor box lacrosse, checking an opposing players against the boards. Usually a penalty.

What is a Backbreaker in lacrosse?

Backbreaker: a trick shot where the stick is held by both hands above the head and the ball is shot underhand and behind the back AND between the legs. Bag / Sack / Bagged Out: the lacrosse stick pocket, a very deep one.