What is a bonfils?

What is a bonfils?

The Bonfils is a rigid fibreoptic intubating endoscope, which can be used to provide fibreoptic assisted laryngoscopy, or as a single device for intubation. Both the midline and retromolar approach can be used.

What is Retromolar intubation?

Retromolar intubation is a non-invasive technique and avoids both submento-tracheal intubation and tracheostomy in the majority of patients.

What is submental intubation?

[4] Submental intubation technique consists of passing the tube through the anterior floor of mouth, allowing free intraoperative access to oral cavity and nasal pyramid without endangering patients with skull base trauma.

How do you do submental intubation?

What are the different types of intubation tubes?

Types of endotracheal tubes include oral or nasal, cuffed or uncuffed, preformed (e.g. RAE (Ring, Adair, and Elwyn) tube), reinforced tubes, and double-lumen endobronchial tubes. For human use, tubes range in size from 2 to 10.5 mm in internal diameter (ID).

What is a Miller blade used for?

Description. The Miller laryngoscope is a straight blade designed to obtain a view of the vocal cords by directly lifting the epiglottis. It has useful application in ‘floppy’ airways making it popular within paediatric anaesthesia. The Miller laryngoscope is the most commonly used blade today.

How do you intubate with a Bonfils endoscope?

The BONFILS Intubation Endoscope in Clinical and Emergency Medicine 19. Midsagittal Intubation. The BONFILS intubation endoscope can be introduced in the sagittal plane by advancing it along the tongue, making certain that the endoscope does not rotate toward either side and keeps strictly to the midline.

How effective are Bonfils and Levitan FPS scopes for intubation?

The Bonfils and Levitan FPS scopes are rigid fibreoptic stylets that may assist routine or difficult intubation. This study compared the effectiveness of each in patients with predicted normal airways when used by specialist anaesthetists with no prior experience using optical stylets.

What is a Bonfils optical stylet?

The Bonfils (or Shikani or Levitan) optical stylet is often used in this context. Performing dual endoscopy provides “three levels of protection”: If the glottic opening is easily seen with the laryngoscope, the rigid endoscope simply acts as an ideally shaped or steerable stylet to introduce the tube

How do you intubate a patient with no saturation?

With no measurable saturation and given the obstacles of moving the patient to the rescue vehicle, the emergency physician opted for immediate intubation. After preoxygenation and i.v. sedation, and without repositioning the patient, the physician introduced the BONFILS intubation endoscope in the spontaneously breathing patient.