What is a Cvac machine?

What is a Cvac machine?

As you sit comfortably inside the CVAC Pod, an external vacuum pump adjusts the barometric pressure inside, simulating increases and decreases in altitudes that range from sea level to 22,500 feet (That’s higher than Mt Everest’s base camp!).

What does Cvac stand for?


Acronym Definition
CVAC Cyclic Variations in Adaptive Conditioning (adaptive conditioning methodology)
CVAC Cyclic Variations in Altitude Conditioning
CVAC Chappaqua Volunteer Ambulance Corps (Chappaqua, New York)
CVAC Contemporary Visual Arts and Craft Inquiry (Australia)

What is CV AC?

CVAC. Cyclic Variations in Adaptive Conditioning (adaptive conditioning methodology)

What does CVAV stand for?


Acronym Definition
CVAV Coeurs Vaillants Ames Vaillantes (French Catholic children’s organization; now Catholic Action for Children)

How does a CVAC work?

Unlike hyperbaric chambers that work by increasing the air pressure in order to saturate the blood with oxygen and stimulate healing, the CVAC is based on the benefits created by constant and rapid pressure changes.

What is the CVAC machine in supernatural?

And one of his secret weapons to creating this vitality and health is the Cyclic Variations in Adaptive Conditioning machine, or the CVAC for short. The CVAC looks like what can be described as a futuristic pod.

What does the CVAC look like?

The CVAC looks like what can be described as a futuristic pod. No, this pod does not fly, nor does it feature any virtual reality technology, but the idea behind it is no less ambitious. What is a CVAC?

Should you use a CVac to boost your performance?

But so can those who are already at a peak physical state. The company notes that athletes can use the CVAC to improve the efficiency of their fitness workout or training regimen, increase their power and endurance, and improve their recovery time.