What is a distal radius fracture?

What is a distal radius fracture?

Distal radius fractures are one of the most common types of bone fractures. They occur at the end of the radius bone near the wrist. Depending on the angle of the break, distal radius fractures can be classified into two types: Colles or Smith.

Should distal radius fractures be immobilized with the wrist in dorsiflexion?

Most surgeons immobilize distal radius fractures in some amount of palmar flexion on the principle that dorsal periosteal hinge provides stability. However, the optimal position of hand function is with the wrist in dorsiflexion.

What is included in Minimal minimal evaluation for distal radius fractures?

The routine minimal evaluation for distal radius fractures must include two views-a postero-anterior (PA) view and lateral view. The PA view should be obtained with the humerus abducted 90 degrees from the chest wall, so that the elbow is at the same level as the shoulder and flexed 90 degrees.

What are the treatment options for a distal radius fracture?

If the distal radius fracture is in a good position, a splint or cast is applied. It often serves as a final treatment until the bone heals. Usually a cast will remain on for up to six weeks. Then you will be given a removable wrist splint to wear for comfort and support.

Summary. Distal radius fractures are the most common orthopaedic injury and generally result from fall on an outstretched hand. Diagnosis is made clinically and radiographically with orthogonal radiographs of the wrist.

What is the rate of growth of distal radius?

Distal radius physis contributes 75% growth of the radius. contributes 40% of entire upper extremity. growth at a rate of ~ 5.25mm per year. Metaphyseal fracture most common, followed by physeal.

What is a shuck test for the distal radioulnar joint?

After soft tissue swelling subsides, open reduction and internal fixation of the distal radius is performed. Following fixation, a “shuck” test is performed and shows persistent instability of the distal radioulnar joint.

How is a fratured distal radius fracture with intact ulna treated?

special case of fratured distal radius with intact ulna: extreme ulna deviation of wrist helps keep radius fracture out to length. during cast setting, the arm is placed on a pillow. This decreases the dissipation of heat from the exothermic reaction