What is a Fourier transform and how is it used?

What is a Fourier transform and how is it used?

Fourier transform is a mathematical technique that can be used to transform a function from one real variable to another. It is a unique powerful tool for spectroscopists because a variety of spectroscopic studies are dealing with electromagnetic waves covering a wide range of frequency.

What is the purpose of the Fourier transform?


  • https://www.azooptics.com/Article.aspx?ArticleID=1382
  • https://www.azooptics.com/Article.aspx?ArticleID=1291
  • How to interpret Fourier transform result?

    The result of the Fourier Transform as you will exercise from my above description will bring you only knowledge about the frequency composition of your data sequences. That means for example 1 the zero 0 of the Fourier transform tells you trivially that there is no superposition of any fundamental (eigenmode) periodic sequences with

    What is the advantage of Fourier transformation?

    – The sampling chamber of an FTIR can present some limitations due to its relatively small size. – Mounted pieces can obstruct the IR beam. Usually, only small items as rings can be tested. – Several materials completely absorb Infrared radiation; consequently, it may be impossible to get a reliable result.

    Why do we need Fourier transform?


  • xjackal
  • claudiocamera. Transformations are used to make operation easier,an rough example woud be given by logarithms .
  • shafee001
  • brahma.
  • elec_student.
  • janakiram.sistla
  • newbiebk
  • sinu_gowde.
  • electronics_kumar
  • Why there is a need of Fourier transform?

    Fourier transforms is an extremely powerful mathematical tool that allows you to view your signals in a different domain, inside which several difficult problems become very simple to analyze. At a…