What is a good air to fuel ratio for race cars?

What is a good air to fuel ratio for race cars?

It used to be that 12.5:1 was considered the best power ratio, but with improved combustion chambers and hotter ignition systems, the ideal now is around 12.8:1 to 13.2:1. This is roughly 13 parts of air to one part fuel.

How much octane is Q16?

Octane – Q16 has a motor octane of 116, virtually the same as VP’s C16, but its resistance to detonation is even better—6 to 8 numbers higher than its standard ASTM rating—due to the increased fuel flow.

What is the highest octane VP fuel?

VP101 is designed for the racing enthusiast who not only races, but runs VP Racing Fuels for recreation. Oxygenated with ethanol, VP101 has the highest octane rating of any street legal fuel on the market while meeting both Arizona and California Air Resource Board (CARB) requirements.

What AFR makes the most power?

A naturally aspirated engine, running on pump gasoline will normally make the most horsepower at an AFR of about 12.8 – 13.0. An AFR of about 14.6 will produce the best fuel economy.

What is too lean AFR?

Generally, the engine is considered to be running too lean when fuel trim is above 10% (with the engine running in closed-loop mode). If fuel trim is below -10%, the engine is typically considered to be running rich.

What is VP Q16?

Details. Q16 is primarily used in intercooled, forced induction drag race applications and is often regarded as the best oxygenated, leaded fuel VP produces. Highly oxygenated, requiring a 4-6% increase in fuel flow, which will make 3-5% more power than competitive 116 octane fuels.

What is the difference between C16 and Q16?

“A car on C16 might be using 160-pound injectors, and when you switch to Q16 you have to add more fuel to it, which might cause the injector to go static, and then the customer slows down.

What octane is VPR?

VP Racing Fuel’s VPR blend is a 105-octane, leaded, ethanol-free, oxygenated, two-stroke race fuel.