What is AABB unity?

What is AABB unity?

An axis-aligned bounding box, or AABB for short, is a box aligned with coordinate axes and fully enclosing some object. Because the box is never rotated with respect to the axes, it can be defined by just its center and extents, or alternatively by min and max points. Bounds is used by Collider. bounds, Mesh.

What are bounds in unity?

Bounds are the sides or bounds of the collider of the GameObject (at least for a cube with a BoxCollider).

What is Plane unity?

A plane is an infinitely large, flat surface that exists in 3D space and divides the space into two halves known as half-spaces. It is easy to determine which of the two half-spaces a particular point is in and also how far the point is from the plane.

Is bounds center in world space?

The bounds property of a Collider returns a Bounds object in world space, as documented. From a Bounds object, you can use the center property to get its world space Vector3 location but you’re looking at the extents property which will give you information regarding its size so those values are in local space.

What is mesh bound in unity?

Description. The bounding volume of the Mesh. This is the axis-aligned bounding box of the mesh in its local space (that is, not affected by the transform). Note that the Renderer. bounds property is similar but returns the bounds in world space.

What is renderer bounds unity?

Description. The bounding box of the renderer in world space. This is the axis-aligned bounding box fully enclosing the object in world space. Using bounds is convenient to make rough approximations about the object’s location and its extents.

What is renderer in unity?

A renderer is what makes an object appear on the screen. Use this class to access the renderer of any object, mesh or Particle System. Renderers can be disabled to make objects invisible (see enabled), and the materials can be accessed and modified through them (see material).

What is OnDrawGizmos?

Description. Implement OnDrawGizmos if you want to draw gizmos that are also pickable and always drawn. This allows you to quickly pick important objects in your Scene.

How do you make a triangle in Unity?

There is no builtin triangle primitive. Luckily the Unity Editor is easy to extend. Put this script somewhere in your project folder and a new “Triangle” button should pop up in the GameObject/3D Object menu.