What is an EJ cover?

What is an EJ cover?

An Expansion Joint Cover, or EJC for short, provides a covered transition across the Expansion Joint opening, remaining unaffected by the relative movement of the two surfaces either side of the joint.

What is a cover joint?

PVC cover joints are positioned between vinyl edges where they cover the joints in a subfloor to reduce the risk of the floorcovering cracking or splitting. They are not a full expansion joint; but they do help to maintain and protect the floorcovering in a safe condition.

What is expansion joint cover?

Expansion Joint Cover is a cover or a covering system that protects the structural gap designed to accommodate the movement of the building in a controlled to prevent damages to the building finishes.

How do you hide expansion joints?

Color Selection–A Top Choice For Hiding a Building Expansion Joint. The expansion joint here is between the brick and the curtainwall. The choice of “charcoal” from the Seismic Colorseal color range, as well as the location of the joint is the key to its obfuscation.

What is isolation joint?

An isolation joint is a separation between adjacent sections of a concrete structure to allow relative movement in three directions and through which all of the bonded reinforcement is interrupted.

What is the difference between control joint and expansion joint?

Control joints can be isolated within the plane being treated (brick facades, concrete sidewalks) while expansion joints must bisect the entire structure thereby creating a gap throughout all of the building elements—foundation, walls, curtainwalls, plaza decks, parking decks, floors, and roof.

In which joint cover plate is used?

Explanation: Lap joint is a type of riveted joint. In it two plates to be joined are overlapping to each other. In butt joint, two plates to be joined are butted edge to edge and a cover plate on top is used to overlap both the plates to form a joint.

What are expansion joints for concrete?

A concrete expansion joint – or control joint – is a gap which allows the concrete to expand and contract as/when the temperature changes. It forms a break between the concrete and other parts of a structure to allow movement without causing stress, which can lead to cracking.

Where do you put expansion joints in concrete?

Expansion joints are put in place before the concrete is poured. Expansion joints are used to allow the slab to move and not put stress on whatever it abuts. These joint are placed where a slab meets a building, where a slab meets another slab, and where a pool deck meets the coping.

Can you plaster over an expansion joint?

Yes you can as long as you have a few basic plastering skills.

Do you need to leave a gap with engineered wood flooring?

Whether it be solid wood, engineered wood or parquet block flooring, they all need an expansion gap to allow for natural movements when the wood expands and contracts with changes in the surrounding atmosphere. An expansion gap is a small space left around the perimeter of the room.

What is the difference between an isolation joint and an expansion joint?

An isolation joint is a separation of an existing concrete slab from a new concrete slab or wall. A piece of expansion joint (usually ½” wide and made of cork or recycled fiber material) is placed against the existing concrete slab and when the new concrete slab is poured, this expansion joint separates the two slabs.

What is the CS expansion joint cover?

The CS Expansion Joint Cover team worked closely with HNTB to create a unique system of stair risers and treads to ensure that fans, students and athletes would be safe in the event of a seismic event. This distinctive project required careful consideration of the location of the cover.

What kind of wall&ceiling joint covers do you offer?

A collection of wall & ceiling joint covers suitable for a wide range of applications from plasterboard & drywall to suspended or solid ceilings. Our range of parking garage expansion joint systems including flexible EPDM seals and metal cover systems.

What should I consider when selecting an expansion joint cover system?

When selecting an expansion joint cover system, it is important to consider the location and usage before a selection is made. Fire-rated expansion joints are necessary to maintain building safety. Here’s how to incorporate them.

Why choose exterior joint covers?

Exterior joint covers designed to withstand damaging UV light, temperature differentials & inclement weather. Designed for peace of mind and minimal maintenance.