What is an example of reflecting?

What is an example of reflecting?

For example, they might have hunched their shoulders as they said, ‘I was so scared; I didn’t know what to do. ‘ We might reflect that back by hunching our own shoulders, mirroring their body language while also saying ‘I felt so scared; I didn’t know what to do. ‘

What is a good sentence for reflect?

So they don’t reflect the sunlight and give away our position. The government must reflect the different values these groups have. Nation-states allow groups of people to create governments that reflect their common values.

How do you reflect on yourself?

15 Ways to Practice Self-ReflectionIdentify the Important Questions. Meditate. Journal. Do A Writing Exercise. Take a Walk In Nature. Talk to Yourself Out Loud. Perform Breathing Exercises. Read.

How can I improve my reflective thinking?

Developing your reflective insightsStand back from the eve nts and try to be objective.Be critical of your own actions.Think of alternative explanations of events.Make use of evidence from a range of sources e.g. theories.Recognise that your own point of view will change with time.7 days ago

What is the purpose of a model of reflection?

Models (or Frameworks) of Reflection Models, sometimes known as frameworks for reflection, encourage a structured process to guide the act of reflection. There is no right model.

How many types of reflection are there?


What is reflection with diagram?

“Reflection is a change in direction of a wave upon striking the interface between two materials.”(1.) meaning When a ray of light strikes a plane mirror, the light ray reflects off the mirror. Reflection involves a change in direction of the light ray.

What are types of traditional reflection?

The traditional stages of reflection are self-awareness, description, critical analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

How is reflection formed?

Reflection of light (and other forms of electromagnetic radiation) occurs when the waves encounter a surface or other boundary that does not absorb the energy of the radiation and bounces the waves away from the surface.

How does reflection work?

Reflection is when light bounces off an object. If the surface is smooth and shiny, like glass, water or polished metal, the light will reflect at the same angle as it hit the surface. For a smooth surface, reflected light rays travel in the same direction. This is called specular reflection.