What is another word for harm of reputation?

What is another word for harm of reputation?

Some common synonyms of slander are asperse, calumniate, defame, malign, traduce, and vilify.

What is a loss of reputation called?

The state of being well known for some bad quality or deed. infamy. disgrace. discredit. disrepute.

What is another word for business reputation?

What is another word for good reputation?

stock repute
prestige trustworthiness
account notoriety
good name renown
eminence credit

What is the synonym word for damage?

Some common synonyms of damage are harm, hurt, impair, injure, and mar. While all these words mean “to affect injuriously,” damage suggests injury that lowers value or impairs usefulness.

What does it mean to ruin someone’s reputation?

The legal term for someone ruining your reputation is “defamation of character”. Defamation describes the act of another spreading a false statement about you or your business via the written or spoken word. Slander and libel are the two main types of defamation.

What are synonyms for reputation?

synonyms for reputation

  • character.
  • fame.
  • honor.
  • influence.
  • name.
  • notoriety.
  • opinion.
  • position.

What can damage a company’s reputation?

What can damage a company’s reputation?

  • Tardiness.
  • Being careless on social media.
  • Accidentally leaking company data.
  • Spreading gossip about clients.
  • Lying.

How is business reputation damaged?

This can encompass a wide range of issues including but by no means limited to: regulatory breaches, CEO misbehaviour, employee indiscretion, cyber attacks, damning consumer reviews or critical social media posts. How a company responds to the damage then determines the severity of the reputational impact.

What does bad reputation mean?

What to Know. Bad rap is the original phrase meaning “a bad or undeserved reputation.” Bad rep, which contains the literal shortening of “reputation,” has historically been interpreted as a spelling error, but has seen enough usage to merit entry.

What is synonym for reputation?

OTHER WORDS FOR reputation 1 regard, name. 2 fame, distinction, renown, esteem, honor, recognition. See synonyms for reputation on Thesaurus.com.

What is another word for damaged goods?

What is another word for damaged product?

malfunctioning product defective product
faulty merchandise faulty product
broken product flawed product

What word means to cause damage?

cause damage verb. damage verb (damages, damaged, damaging) harm verb (harms, harmed, harming) do harm verb (does harm, did harm, doing harm) hurt verb (hurts, hurt, hurting)

What is another word for damage the reputation of?

Synonyms for damage the reputation of include reflect badly on, damage, discredit, disgrace, shame, detract from, do discredit to, be a discredit to, blemish the reputation of and bring into disrepute. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

What is reputational risk and how can you quantify it?

This helps to quantify reputational risk – the risk that customer won’t want to be associated with your company if they don’t believe it’s a good one. Another survey highlights exactly what people think is damaging to a company’s reputation .

What words do you use to tarnish someone’s reputation?

shame. detract from. do discredit to. be a discredit to. blemish the reputation of. bring into disrepute. tarnish the reputation of. put in a bad light. give a bad name to.

Is a discriminatory environment damaging to your company’s reputation?

In fact, 62% of people felt that a discriminatory environment is very or extremely damaging to a company’s reputation.