What is authority and responsibility in management?
Authority is the legal right to give the command, order or instruction and compel the subordinates to do a certain act. On the other hand, Responsibility is the outcome of authority. It entails the obligation of the subordinate, who has been assigned the duty by his superior.
What do you mean by authority in management?
Authority – in context of a business organization, authority can be defined as the power and right of a person to use and allocate the resources efficiently, to take decisions and to give orders so as to achieve the organizational objectives.
What is authority and responsibility with example?
For example, if an employee is given authority but does not have enough power, he can’t do his job effectively. This is because lacking power, he is unable to use punishments and rewards for enforcing authority.
What is authority responsibility and accountability?
Authority is the power delegated by senior executives to assign duties to all employees for better functioning. Responsibility is the commitment to fulfill a task given by an executive. Accountability makes a person answerable for his or her work based on their position, strength, and skills.
Why authority and responsibility is important?
Authority is one of the important considerations in the process of management. Managerial action in a formal organisation needs authority. Without authority, the executive cannot secure compliance of his orders from his subordinates. It is always considered to be the key to a successful Managerial job.
What is parity of authority and responsibility?
Parity of authority and responsibility: This principle of delegation suggests that when authority is delegated, it should be commensurate with the responsibility of the subordinate.
What is the importance of authority and responsibility?
In an organization, dividing work among people and coordinating their activities towards a common objective needs to be done efficiently. Authority and responsibility are two of the most important components of a smooth-functioning business.
What is authority and responsibility Class 12?
Authority is the right to give orders to the subordinates and to use the resources of an organisation. Responsibility is the duty which the subordinate is expected to perform by virtue of his position in the organization_ Responsibility must be expressed either in terms of functions or in terms of objectives.
Why must authority and responsibility equal?
The important principle of authority is: Authority and responsibility should be equal. In other words required amount of authority should be delegated to discharge responsibility. This principle avoids misuse of authority and at the same time helps in proper discharge of responsibility.
What is responsibility without authority?
Responsibility without authority is the worst management strategy, often called No Authority Gauntlet (NAG) Syndrome, which is a very actual and potential threat to any business. Specifically, matrix organizations are vulnerable to this phenomenon, where individuals are managed through more than one reporting line.
What is meant by authority responsibility and accountability?
In laymen terms, authority means nothing but power. Responsibility means an obligation to do anything. Accountability means responsibility to answer for the work.
What is the difference between authority and responsibility in management?
Authority – ‘Authority’ means ‘Legal or rightful power, a right to command or to act’. Applied to the managerial jobs, the power of the superior to command the subordinate to act or not to act in a particular manner, is called the ‘authority’. Responsibility – It is an obligation of a sub-ordinate to perform assigned duties.
What is authority responsibility and accountability in Management Science?
In management science authority, responsibility and accountability are three terms around which the whole set of managerial activities cluster. Beyond these three terms managerial activities may be reduced to a farce. These three terms are positively correlated and are at the same time not understood in their proper perspective.
What is the role of authority in an organization?
In an organization, dividing work among people and coordinating their activities towards a common objective needs to be done efficiently. Authority and responsibility are two of the most important components of a smooth-functioning business.
What is responsibility in management?
In the context of hierarchical relations in an organization, responsibility is the obligation of a subordinate to perform the tasks assigned. Therefore, responsibility is relative to the person. Also, it emanates from the subordinate-superior relations in an organization. Hence, the manager can get the assigned duty done by his subordinate.