What is axle counter system?

What is axle counter system?

An axle counter is a system used in railway signalling to detect the clear or occupied status of a section of track between two points. The system generally consists of a wheel sensor (one for each end of the section) and an evaluation unit for counting the axles of the train both into and out of the section.

What is an axle counter head?

An axle counter is a device on a railway that detects the passing of a train between two points on a track. A counting head (or detection point) is installed at each end of the section, and as each train axle passes the counting head at the start of the section, a counter increments.

What is digital axle counter?

Types of Digital Axle Counter Digital data is transmitted directly between two axle counter field equipments by means of modem communication. Whereas a Multi Section Digital Axle Counter is used to monitor a portion of line called as “Track Section” confined by multiple Entry & Exit points.

What is Block Proving axle counter?

Block Proving by Axle Counter is a system used for controlling the coordinated movement of the train in the block section working on absolute block working principle. The system has been developed as per RDSO/SPN/188/2004 Ver. 1 for single line block working, replacing the traditional single line block instruments.

Are axle counters fail safe?

When an axle-counter system fails, for example due to a power supply problem, it loses track of how many axles have passed through it. Therefore, for safety, it will always recover and ‘come back on line’ showing the section of line occupied.

What is multi section digital axle counter?

MSDAC-730P is a multi section digital axle counter system that is designed using the principles of fail-safety and has a two-out-of-three fail safe architecture. It is microcontroller based and has redundant power supply arrangement. Its modular nature allows you to plan your upgrade and extensions without any problem.

What is axle train?

The wheels on each side of a train car are connected with a metal rod called an axle. This axle keeps the two train wheels moving together, both turning at the same speed when the train is moving. This construction is great for straight tracks.

What is Ssdac railway?

The Single Section Digital Axle Counter SSDAC-710P is the latest model of Single Section Axle Counters from CEL. It is used for Train detection in station sectioned for detecting occupancy of railway track section primarily for the vital control of section occupancy.

What is Ufsbi?

Universal Fail safe Block Interface (UFSBI)

What is absolute block working?

In absolute block working, a block section (or simply section) is a section of railway line between one signal box and another – in the typical absolute block, lines are paired, with an up – towards London (or in Scotland, Edinburgh) – and a down line in the opposite direction.

How do railway axle counters work?

An axle counter is a device on a railway that detects the passing of a train in lieu of the more common track circuit. A counting head (or ‘detection point’) is installed at each end of the section, and as each axle passes ahead at the start of the section, counter increments.

What is an axle counter on a train?

An axle counter is a system used in railway signalling to detect the clear or occupied status of a section of track between two points. The system generally consists of a wheel sensor (one for each end of the section) and an evaluation unit for counting the axles of the train both into and out of the section.

How can axle counters be integrated with other systems?

Universally applicable hardware interfaces and high-performance software interfaces enable the fast integration of our axle counters in various applications. Among them: interlockings, level crossings and signalling equipment. System integrators can implement the Frauscher Safe Ethernet FSE without having to use their own software protocol.

What are axle counting systems?

Compared to track circuits, axle counting systems offer several advantages making it the most promising track occupancy technology used nowadays. More information for other systems (speed, number of axles.) Wheel sensors are used to detect the wheel passage of a train.

What is the axle counter of the future?

The axle counter of the future: As a full-service package, the SENSiS system by Frauscher opens up a wealth of possibilities. It represents the latest generation of train detection against the background of increasing digitalisation in the railway industry. The FAdCi is a particularly cost-effective version of the FAdC axle counter.