What is Braucht?

What is Braucht?

needs, need, requires.

What is the meaning of Deutschland in English?

Deutschland in British English (ˈdɔytʃlant ) the German name for Germany.

What is the meaning of Fragen und Antworten?

Translations. Fragen und Antworten. Fragen und Antworten, (Fragerunde) Q & A, the ~ Noun. ‐ A feature that enables attendees to ask questions of presenters a meeting.

What does Besuchen mean?

besuchen, (vorbeikommen) visit, to Verb (visits; visited; visiting) drop by, to Verb (drops by; dropped by; dropping by) ‐ visit informally and spontaneously.

What is kaufen in English?

purchase, to Verb (purchases; purchased; purchasing)

Why is it called Deutschland?

The etymology of Deutschland is pretty simple. The word deutsch comes from diutisc in Old High German, which means “of the people.” Land literally just means “land.” In other words, Deutschland basically means something to the effect of “the people’s land.”

What nationality is Deutschland?


Federal Republic of Germany Bundesrepublik Deutschland (German)
Official language and national language German
Demonym(s) German
Government Federal parliamentary republic
• President Frank-Walter Steinmeier

What is the meaning of Madchen?

noun. girl [noun] a female child. Her new baby is a girl.

What is the past participle of Besuchen?


Infinitive Past participle
fotografieren fotografier-t
reservieren reservier-t
besuchen besuch-t

How do you use einkaufen?

„einkaufen“: intransitives Verb

  1. einkaufen gehen. to do one’s (oder | or od to go) shopping. einkaufen gehen.
  2. ich muss noch einkaufen. I have some shopping to do. ich muss noch einkaufen.
  3. bei jemandem einkaufen. to buy fromjemand | somebody sb , to shop at sb’s shop. bei jemandem einkaufen.

What is the past participle of kaufen?

The Past Participle of the German verb kaufen

Past Participle
gekauft bought