What is CF client?

What is CF client?

The cf CLI is the official command line client for Cloud Foundry. The procedures in this topic describe how to install the cf CLI on your operating system. You can install the cf CLI with a package manager, an installer, or a compressed binary.

What is CF Java client?

The cf-java-client project is a Java language binding for interacting with a Cloud Foundry instance.

What is CF command line?

The Cloud Foundry command-line interface (cf CLI) is your primary tool for interacting with your Cloud Foundry instances: manage apps, view logs, run health checks, manage buildpacks, manage users, and manage plugins.

What is CF API endpoint?

The API endpoint, or target URL, for your Cloud Foundry instance is the URL of the Cloud Controller. This topic explains how to find your API endpoint from the command line, along with your version of the Cloud Controller API. You can also consult your cloud operator to find out this information.

What is the purpose of option under CF push command?

The first time you deploy an app, cf push uses the buildpack start command by default. After that, cf push defaults to whatever start command was used for the previous push. To override these defaults, provide the -c option, or the command attribute in the manifest.

What is spring Cloud Foundry?

The spring-cloud-cloudfoundry-web project provides basic support for some enhanced features of webapps in Cloud Foundry: binding automatically to single-sign-on services and optionally enabling sticky routing for discovery.

What does CF router provides?

In the fully-brokered service model, the Cloud Foundry router receives all traffic to apps in the deployment before any processing by the route service. Developers can bind a route service to any app, and if an app is bound to a route service, the Cloud Foundry router sends its traffic to the service.

What is the domain name of PWS?

1 Answer. PWS has the below default app domain as cfapps.io.

What CF command is used to start an application?

The first time you deploy an app, cf push uses the buildpack start command by default.