What is configuration GetSection?

What is configuration GetSection?

GetSection(String, Type) Returns a strongly typed configuration section by using the specified section path. GetSection(String, Type, String) Returns a strongly typed configuration section by using the specified section and location paths.

How do I add an application to config file?

To add an application configuration file to a C# project

  1. On the menu bar, choose Project > Add New Item. The Add New Item dialog box appears.
  2. Expand Installed > Visual C# Items, and then choose the Application Configuration File template.
  3. In the Name text box, enter a name, and then choose the Add button.

What is app config in C#?

At its simplest, the app. config is an XML file with many predefined configuration sections available and support for custom configuration sections. A “configuration section” is a snippet of XML with a schema meant to store some type of information. Overview (MSDN) Connection String Configuration (MSDN)

How do I manage connection strings?

The solution is:

  1. Open the App. config file from the project that contains the model.
  2. Locate the section. XML.
  3. Copy the connection string.
  4. Open the Web.
  5. Paste the connection string in the corresponding section of the config file in the main (executable) project.

Does .NET core have app config?

In . NET Core you use appsettings. json, not app. config.

What is Microsoft extensions configuration?

Microsoft. Extensions. Configuration , like other packages in the Microsoft. Extensions namespace (e.g. Options, or DependencyInjection), are packages that were created as part of the ASP.NET Core framework.

Where is app config located?

The application configuration file usually lives in the same directory as your application. For web applications, it is named Web. config. For non-web applications, it starts life with the name of App.

What is a app config file?

What Is It? The app. config file is an XML file whose goal it is to contain any variable configuration of your application. It is a central place to put: Connection strings to databases.

How to get the connection string of an app?

First Add a reference of System.Configuration to your page. Then According to your app.config get the connection string as follow. That’s it now you have your connection string in your hand and you can use it.

How do I get the configuration section of a string?

The GetSection (String) overload retrieves a configuration section by using its path. Returns the configuration section by using the specified section and location paths. The path of the section to be returned. The location to search for the section. The ConfigurationSection object.

How to get the connection string of the configurationmanager class?

Without it, you won’t have access to the ConfigurationManager class in the System.Configuration namespace. First Add a reference of System.Configuration to your page. Then According to your app.config get the connection string as follow. That’s it now you have your connection string in your hand and you can use it.

How do I retrieve a configuration section by its name?

Configuration settings are contained within sections that group similar settings together for convenience. The GetSectionmethod retrieves a configuration section by its name. Applies to Is this page helpful? Please rate your experience YesNo