What is Flowdown requirement?

What is Flowdown requirement?

A flow-down clause (also referred to as a pass-through or conduit clause) is usually found in a construction contract and provides that subcontractors will be bound to the general contractor in the same fashion as the general contractor is bound under its contract with the property owner.

What is a Flowdown clause?

• A flow down clause is a contract provision by which the parties incorporate the terms. of the general contract between the owner [Government]and the general contractor [Prime Contractor] into the lower tier agreement.

Is Flowdown one word or two?

English translation: the explanation is as follows….

English term or phrase: flowdown
Selected answer: the explanation is as follows….
Entered by: Katerina K

What is a schedule of values form in construction?

A schedule of values (SOV) is a comprehensive document listing the cost of each work item and the amount of work completed for a construction project.

What is included in a schedule of values?

A Schedule of Values, or SOV, is a list of every work item on a project, along with each item’s value or cost. This comprehensive work list represents the entire construction project and the entire contract price, from beginning to end.

What should be included in a schedule of values?

What Should a Schedule of Values Include?

  • Project name and number.
  • Name of the prime or general contractor.
  • Application number and date.
  • Work item numbers.
  • Description of work items.
  • Total value of each item.
  • Percentage of work completed.
  • Value of work completed for past and current periods.

What is schedule architecture?

A schedule of drawings is an itemised list of drawings required for a building project. It can be included as part of an invitation to tender, or may be prepared as part of a design management plan.