What is longest barrel for 357 Magnum revolver?

What is longest barrel for 357 Magnum revolver?

And from Smith & Wesson, the longest available is a full-lug 8 3/8-inch barrel on a medium-large (L)-framed 686, $550.

What is the strongest 357 revolver?

Best . 357 Magnum Revolvers

  • Smith & Wesson Model 60 . 357 Magnum.
  • Ruger Model SP-101. The SP-101 is a 5-shot DA/SA .
  • Ruger GP-100. The Ruger GP-100 is a 6-shot .
  • Colt . 357 Magnum Trooper MK III Series.
  • Smith & Wesson Model 627 Pro Series. The S&W 627 Pro is an 8-shot .
  • Ruger Redhawk . 357 Magnum.
  • Colt .
  • Kimber K6s.

What is the longest revolver barrel?

After its publication, various Colt revolvers with long (10-inch or 16-inch) barrels were called Colt Buntlines or Buntline Specials. Colt manufactured the pistol among its second-generation revolvers produced after 1956….

Colt Buntline
Barrel length 12 inches (30 cm)
Cartridge .45 Colt

What is the difference between 357 MAG and 357 Sig?

357 Magnum wins, because full power ammo pushes a 125-grain bullet 100 f.p.s. faster than the . 357 SIG in barrels of the same length. It’s that simple.

Can police still carry revolvers?

More than one officer, most especially those who started their careers back in the ’80s and ’90s, still carry a revolver (or two) for off-duty service. Revolvers for off-duty use are both applicable for the purpose and popular within a certain segment of officers.

How long is the barrel of a 357 magnum?

. 357 Mag Results in fps

barrel length Cor Bon 110 gr. JHP Federal 158 gr. Hydra-Shok JHP
8″ 1600 1593
7″ 1578 1536
6″ 1461 1485
5″ 1377 1402

What is the highest quality revolver?

With that, here are the 5 best revolvers on the planet.

  • 5 Best Revolvers on the Planet – Ruger LCR.
  • 5 Best Revolvers on the Planet – Smith & Wesson 686.
  • 5 Best Revolvers on the Planet- Ruger GP100.
  • 5 Best Revolvers on the Planet- Ruger Blackhawk.
  • 5 Best Revolvers on the Planet- Taurus Model 85 Ultra-Lite.

Are Taurus 357 Magnum a good gun?

It remains an excellent firearm, and an excellent value in a . 357 magnum revolver. If you can’t find this revolver locally, one of my most trusted sources, Brownell’s, carries the Taurus 627 . 357 magnum in its updated models.

What revolver did Wyatt Earp use?

Colt single-action Army revolver
Wyatt uses a Colt single-action Army revolver with a 4.75-inch barrel for most of the movie, but he breaks out a different SAA with a 12-inch barrel that he says was made custom for him by Ned Buntline.

Is 357 the same as 38 special?

38 and . 357 are virtually identical. . 38 cartridges can be fired from revolvers chambered for the . 357, but the converse is not true; ….Comparison chart.

.357 Magnum .38 Special
Bullet diameter .357 in (9.1 mm) .357 in (9.1 mm)
Neck diameter .379 in (9.6 mm) 0.379 in (9.6mm)

Who makes the best 357 revolver?

Kimber K6S. When Kimber launched the K6s in 2016,they claimed to have “evolved the revolver.” Although that might be a bit of stretch,they certainly breathed some fresh life

  • Ruger GP100. The Ruger GP100 may be one of the smoothest shooting revolvers on this list.
  • Smith&Wesson Model 66 Combat Magnum.
  • Taurus Judge.
  • What is the best 357 revolver?

    Receiver: Forged,heat treated,and polished 416 stainless steel

  • Barrel: Cold-hammer forged 410 stainless steel
  • Barrel length: 19 in.
  • Capacity: 6-shot tubular magazine (6+1)
  • Stock: Black and gray laminate
  • Sights: Adjustable ghost ring rear and Hi-Viz front sight with tritium insert
  • Scope base: Picatinny rail
  • Bolt: Nickle plated with spiral fluting
  • Which revolver has The Longest Barrel?

    Long Barrel Revolvers – Elegant and “By the Book”. Most remarkable revolvers come from their ALFA Steel series; Carbine 357 Magnum and ALFA Hunter in .22 LR/WMR caliber.

  • Usefulness of Long Barreled Revolvers. The concept itself is hardly new.
  • Excellent for Survivalists.
  • How many rounds in a 357 revolver?

    Usually one thinks of a revolver when one thinks .357 Magnum. There are popular .357 revolvers with cylinders holding 5, 6, 7 and 8 rounds. The most popular is probably 6 rounds — the classic “six shooter”. A Smith and Wesson TRR8, holds eight rounds.