What is McGucket saying backwards?

What is McGucket saying backwards?

After McGucket goes through the portal, he seemingly spouts gibberish. When played backwards, he says, “YROO XRKSVI! GIRZMTOV!” This is a reference to what he says in a flashback in “Society of the Blind Eye.” “YROO XRKSVI!

Why does Dipper have 4 fingers?

According to former series writer/creative director Micheal Rianda, this is because some characters look better having 4 or 5 fingers on them. The Mystery Shack is based on the Oregon Vortex, a tourist trap that Alex Hirsch encountered while visiting Oregon during his college years.

Are waddles boy or girl?

Waddles (formerly Fifteen-Poundy) is Mabel’s pet pig, whom she won at the Mystery Fair in “The Time Traveler’s Pig.”

What is whispered at the beginning of Gravity Falls?

There is a quick glimpse of a large, hairy figure that appears to be Bigfoot. Towards the end of the song, a whisper plays and sounds like “I’m still here.” But if it is played backwards, the whisper is revealed to be “Three letters back.” This is how one solves the cryptograms at the end of each episode.

What did McGucket see in the portal in Gravity Falls?

During his time in the interdimensional portal, Fiddleford glimpsed at “the kind of places where Bill Cipher likes to hang out,” which permanently damaged his mind. It is later revealed in Journal 3 that he saw Bill Cipher removing his exoskeleton to feed.

What does YROO Xrksvi Girzmtov mean?

(Cut to clip of McGucket) Yroo Xrksvi! Girzmtov! (Which is Abtash for: “Bill Cipher! Triangle!” ; cut back to McGucket) I tried all sorts of languages. Mabel Pines.

Why is there only two seasons of Gravity Falls?

Given its immense popularity and success, it would have been foolish for Disney to cancel Gravity Falls after only 2 seasons, thus disappointing the viewers and creators alike. Rather, the reason why Gravity Falls season 2 was the show’s last has to do with the creator, Alex Hirsch’s, specific intentions.

Does Stanley pines have six fingers?

Nope, because stan as a kid had 4 fingers aswel. Gideon has 5 fingers. The artist designers and creator Alex Hirsch thought that some characters looked better with 4 and others with 5. So it’s based on design.

What is Mabel Pines real name?

Kristen Schaal

Character Portrayed by Appearances
Mabel Pines Kristen Schaal Main
Stanley “Grunkle Stan” Pines Alex Hirsch Main
Jesus “Soos” Alzamirano Ramírez Main

What is the secret message in Gravity Falls?

The message suggests that few people outside of Gravity Falls know about it. The numbers could quite possibly be coordinates for where Gravity Falls is located.

Who are the villains in Gravity Falls?

– Unicorns – Unnamed lawyer – Upside-Down Town boss

What are the best Gravity Falls episodes?

“Not What He Seems”

  • “A Tale of Two Stans”
  • “Northwest Mansion Mystery”
  • “Fight Fighters”
  • “The Hand That Rocks the Mabel”
  • “Tourist Trapped”
  • “Summerween”
  • “Dreamscaperers”
  • “Weirdmageddon Part 2: Escape From Reality”
  • “Sock Opera”
  • Is Gravity Falls really that great?

    In summary, Gravity Falls is a great show for kids of all ages, and with little violence and no objectionable themes.There are dinosaurs and time travellers and love and plot, and it accomplishes all of this is neat little twenty-something minute episodes.

    Who are the characters in Gravity Falls?

    V – E – H – D The Characters of Gravity Falls; Main Dipper Pines | Mabel Pines | Stan Pines | Ford Pines | Soos Ramirez | Wendy Corduroy: Supporting