What is meaning of platonic relationship?

What is meaning of platonic relationship?

Platonic friendship specifically refers to friendship between two people who could, in theory, feel attracted to each other.

Is a platonic relationship dating?

By definition, a platonic relationship means no sexual or romantic intimacy between the people involved. However, if you develop feelings for your platonic friend and they reciprocate, who’s to say you are not allowed to date.

What is a platonic friendship and do they really exist?

The term ‘platonic friendship’ is generally applied to friendships where there could be a potential love interest. Platonic friendships occur between all types of people, and sexual orientations, including friendships between two homosexual men, two homosexual women, and in heterosexual friendships where there’s a male-female friendship.

How do you tell the difference between romantic and Platonic?

– Tell him/her that you have a girlfriend/boyfriend early. DeAlto said, “If you have a boyfriend or significant other, make sure it’s included in the conversation earlier rather than later.” This – Always hang out in a group. – Do not treat men the same as your girlfriends. – Don’t get too touchy. – Clarify any confusion.

What does it mean to be a platonic lover?

Platonic love. Basically, platonic love happens when two people have a special bond where they deeply care for and respect each other, lean on each other in good times and in hard times and share similar interests and values, but they don’t pursue things romantically.

What does Platonic mean in a relationship?

The definition of platonic is a relationship that is only a friendship and doesn’t involve sexual activity. An example of platonic is the type of friendship shared by a man and a woman who are married to other people. They are good friends, but their relationship is strictly platonic.