What is meant by residual resistance?

What is meant by residual resistance?

[rə′zij·ə·wəl ri′zis·təns] (solid-state physics) The value to which the electrical resistance of a metal drops as the temperature is lowered to near absolute zero, caused by imperfections and impurities in the metal rather than by lattice vibrations.

What is polymer residual resistance factor?

The polymer resistance factor (F R ) of a given fluid is the mobility ratio of the brine and polymer. Residual resistance factor (FRR) of a given fluid refers to the ratio of the brine permeability before and after polymer solution flows through the core.

What is residuary resistance in ship?

For the practical evaluation of ship resistance for normal ship forms, it is usual to group wave-making resistance, form resistance, eddy resistance and frictional form resistance into one force termed residuary resistance.

How do you calculate the resistance of a ship?

The calculation of resistance follows the simple physical formulation of Force = Pressure x Area.

What is copper RRR?

The RRR of copper is defined as the ratio of its resistivity at 293 K to the resistivity at 4.2 K. RRR = (293 )/ (4.2 )

What do you mean by UKC?

Breed Standards | United Kennel Club (UKC)

How is ship power calculated?

It is equal to the product of the resistance of a ship and the speed of the ship. This power is equal to the Brake Horsepower minus losses due to the gearbox, shafting and propeller, as well as interaction between the propeller and the hull.

What is the residual resistance factor of polymers?

Residual resistance factor is the ratio of water mobility between polymer solution flow through porous media before and after, which is mainly caused by the polymer adsorption. net zone thickness, m resistance factor residual resistance factor (permeability before/after polymer placement)

What is residual resistance factor (RSF)?

Residual resistance factor is the ratio of water mobility between polymer solution flow through porous media before and after, which is mainly caused by the polymer adsorption. net zone thickness, m resistance factor

What is the difference between residual resistivity and residual resistance ratio?

Note that since it is a unitless ratio there is no difference between a residual resistivity and residual-resistance ratio. Usually at “warm” temperatures the resistivity of a metal varies linearly with temperature. That is, a plot of the resistivity as a function of temperature is a straight line.

What is the relationship between residuary resistance and frictional resistance?

The residuary resistance, for geometrically similar hulls at corresponding speeds, scales as the ratio of the displacements. The frictional resistance component is estimated from experimental data and scaled in relation to Reynolds’ number.