What is the aim of Bamako Initiative?

What is the aim of Bamako Initiative?

The Bamako Initiative was launched in 1987 in the capital of Mali by the health ministers of African countries at a conference sponsored by WHO and UNICEF with the aim of ensuring that the entire population should have access to primary health care of good qual- ity at an affordable price.

What are the limitations of Bamako Initiative?

Challenges. There were several problems with the initiative such as discrimination against the poorest, a national health care dependent on the sale of drugs, and the requirement of foreign currency to import drugs versus an income in local currency.

What is drugs revolving found?

MEANING OF DRUG REVOLVING FUND Drug Revolving Fund (DRF) is a system whereby the revenue generated from the sale of drugs to patients is used to purchase new drugs and ensure availability, effective and efficient system.

Is health care free in Mali?

In early 2019, the Malinese government made an announcement that shocked the global health world: it would make healthcare free at the point-of-service to pregnant women and children under 5 years of age. The country had achieved universal healthcare in Mali.

Why is there a Bamako Convention?

Purpose of the Convention To prohibit the import of all hazardous and radioactive wastes into the African continent for any reason; To minimize and control transboundary movements of hazardous wastes within the African continent. To prohibit all ocean and inland water dumping or incineration of hazardous wastes.

Who is Alma Ata Declaration?

The Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978 emerged as a major milestone of the twentieth century in the field of public health, and it identified primary health care as the key to the attainment of the goal of Health for All.

Why do drug revolving funds fail in Nigeria?

Most DRF systems in Nigeria failed mainly due to the inability of the hospitals and healthcare centres to pay for the drugs supplied. In recent times, a few states, with the help of some donor agencies, are reviving their DRF systems with strong governance and financial management.

Why do drug revolving funds fail?

Experiences from a variety of countries suggest several causes for the failure of some RDFs, including: (1) under-estimation of capitalization costs, (2) prices set below true replacement cost, frequent failure to collect payment, (3) delays in cash flow which make funds unavailable for replenishment of drug stocks, (4 …

Does Mali have malaria?

Malaria is endemic to the central and southern regions, where about 90 percent of Mali’s population lives, and it is epidemic in the north due to the limited viability of Anopheles species in the desert climate.

Why is Mali in poverty?

The 2020 health, security, social, and political crises led to a 5% increase in poverty. Some 90% of the country’s poverty is concentrated in the densely populated rural areas of the south. Mali has been experiencing instability and conflict since the 2012 military coup and the occupation of the north by armed groups.

Has Nigeria ratified the Bamako Convention?

* The Conference will be held under the theme: The Bamako Convention: a platform for a pollution-free Africa. To date the Convention has 29 Signatories and 25 Parties. Regrettably, Nigeria is yet to ratify and implement this Convention since signatory in 1998.

What language is spoken in Bamako?

Although French is the official language, the Bambara language is the one most commonly spoken. Bamako has beautifully and harmoniously integrated both the “modern” and the “old” as part of its present day culture, and has thus retained much of its traditional lifestyle and architecture.