What is the concept of Heterodyning?
Heterodyning, or mixing, is the process of multiplying a weak signal by a strong sinusoidal carrier, sometimes called the local oscillator, to shift the frequency of the signal in such a way that the information carried by the signal is preserved. See also: Carrier (communications); Mixer.
What is Heterodyning used for?
Heterodyning is used to shift one frequency range into another, new frequency range, and is also involved in the processes of modulation and demodulation. The two input frequencies are combined in a nonlinear signal-processing device such as a vacuum tube, transistor, or diode, usually called a mixer.
What is Heterodyning in radio signal processing?
Electroacoustics / Psychoacoustics. In a radio RECEIVER, the process of combining in a non-LINEAR device a received SIGNAL with a locally generated signal of slightly different CARRIER frequency. The two combining frequencies produce SUMMATION and DIFFERENCE frequencies (see COMBINATION TONES, BEATS).
What is heterodyne and homodyne?
In radio technology, the distinction is not the source of the local oscillator, but the frequency used. In heterodyne detection, the local oscillator is frequency-shifted, while in homodyne detection it has the same frequency as the radiation to be detected.
What is local oscillator frequency?
In electronics, a local oscillator (LO) is an electronic oscillator used with a mixer to change the frequency of a signal. This frequency conversion process, also called heterodyning, produces the sum and difference frequencies from the frequency of the local oscillator and frequency of the input signal.
What is the use of IF amplifier?
Intermediate-frequency (IF) amplifiers are amplifier stages used to raise signal levels in radio and television receivers, at frequencies intermediate to the higher radio-frequency (RF) signal from the antenna and the lower (baseband) audio or video frequency that the receiver is recovering.
What is self homodyne?
The main concept of any self-homodyne system is to send the complex modulated signal and a copy of the tone originating from the same laser multiplexed in a specific domain from the transmitter (Tx) to the receiver (Rx) to be used for coherent reception.
What is homodyne system?
For optical homodyne measurements, both waves are virtually always derived from the same laser source. The homodyne technique is phase-sensitive in the sense that the power of the heterodyne signal depends on the relative phase of signal and local oscillator, and may even totally vanish.
What is RF detector?
A radio frequency (RF) detector is a device used to detect the presence of RF waves either in a wireless or wired (on RF Cable) physical transmission medium. They are also known as RF power detectors or RF responding detectors and are available as devices or modules.