What is the most powerful weapon in Borderlands 2?

What is the most powerful weapon in Borderlands 2?

The 12 Most Powerful Guns From Borderlands 2 (That We Need To See In 3)

  1. 1 Norfleet.
  2. 2 Sand Hawk.
  3. 3 Rubi (Of Moxxi Fame)
  4. 4 Baby Maker.
  5. 5 Interfacer.
  6. 6 Unkempt Harold.
  7. 7 Pimpernel.
  8. 8 World Burn.

Are there pearlescent weapons in Borderlands 2?

In Borderlands 2, Pearlescent weapons appear at the highest difficulty levels. They require at least one of the Ultimate Vault Hunter upgrade packs in order to spawn. The first set of Pearlescent weapons is included in the first Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade pack.

What bosses drop loot in Borderlands 2?

In Borderlands 2, there are minor enemies and bosses that barely have a connection to the storyline, such as Captain Flynt, that will respawn multiple times. So as you level up, so do they, and they will drop loot aquired to your level. Examples of these bosses include Doc Mercy, Captain Flynt, Captain Scarllet and her loot. Boss Farm: Doc Mercy

Is there a Thanksgiving DLC for Borderlands 2?

Borderlands 2: The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler is a DLC for Borderlands 2, featuring a Thanksgiving theme. It includes a new mission as well as unlockable heads and skins for each character. Handsome Jack Here! You. Will. Die. (Seriously.)

How do I get legendary weapons in Borderlands 2?

This page lists unique and rare loot rewards and legendary weapons found in Borderlands 2. Legendary weapons are usually dropped when you defeat a boss, but they don’t always appear — if you’re intent on grabbing one and didn’t get a drop at the end of a battle, remember that you can always go back and battle bosses again.

Who can see my items in Borderlands 2?

This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. This guide includes descriptions of Borderlands 2 weapons, loot , and advice that could help you play the game succesfully and get great gear. This item has been added to your Favorites.