What is the Prix Goncourt?

What is the Prix Goncourt?

Le prix Goncourt est un prix littéraire français récompensant des auteurs d’expression française, créé par le testament d’ Edmond de Goncourt en 1892. La Société littéraire des Goncourt, dite Académie Goncourt, est officiellement fondée en 1902 et le premier prix Goncourt proclamé le 21 décembre 1903 .

Who founded the Académie de Goncourt?

Edmond de Goncourt, a successful author, critic, and publisher, bequeathed his estate for the foundation and maintenance of the Académie Goncourt. In honour of his brother and collaborator, Jules Alfred Huot de Goncourt (1830–1870), the académie has awarded the Prix Goncourt every December since 1903.

Who was Edmond de Goncourt and what did he do?

Edmond de Goncourt. Edmond de Goncourt, a successful author, critic, and publisher, bequeathed his estate for the foundation and maintenance of the académie Goncourt. In honour of his brother and collaborator, Jules Alfred Huot de Goncourt (1830–1870), the académie has awarded the Prix Goncourt every December since 1903.

When did Romain Gary win the Prix Goncourt?

The voting process became the basis of the 1992 book Goncourt 32 by Eugène Saccomano. Although the award may only be given to an author once, Romain Gary won it twice, in 1956 for Les racines du ciel and again under the pseudonym Émile Ajar in 1975 for La vie devant soi.

When did Patrick Modiano win the Goncourt Prize?

Patrick Modiano had already won the Grand Prix du Roman de l’Académie Française, another major French literary prize, in 1972 when he was awarded the Goncourt for Rue des Boutiques Obscures (Missing Person) in 1978.

Can lovers enter the Prix Goncourt 2021 jury?

In October 2021, the Académie Goncourt ultimately decided that it will no longer allow lovers and family members of the jury to be entered for consideration. The Prix Goncourt is divided into three selection stages.