What is the story model of juror decision making?

What is the story model of juror decision making?

The story model rests on the assumption that jurors organize evidence they hear during trial in a narrative, storylike format. According to the story model, the process of decision making takes place in three steps: story construction, learning verdict alternatives, and rendering a verdict.

What is the story model?

a theory of juror decision making that proposes that jurors organize trial information into narratives or stories to aid comprehension and retention of evidence.

How do jurors emotional reactions influence their assessment of facts and evidence?

Jurors’ emotional reactions also influence their assessment of the evidence. Jurors who are angered by evidence of wrongdoing & harm to others feel more sympathy for a plaintiff & less sympathy for a defendant.

What must juries decide in civil cases quizlet?

the jury’s role is to independent and decide on the facts of the case in both criminal and civil trials. jurors must decide what they believed actually happened according to the evidence they have heard.

How do you write a story example?

Jump To Section

  1. Step 1: Determine Your Setting.
  2. Step 2: Make Memorable Characters.
  3. Step 3: Understand the 2 Types of Conflict.
  4. Step 4: Give Your Plot a Twist.
  5. Step 5: Recreate Natural Dialogue.
  6. Step 6: Articulate Voice Through Point of View.
  7. Want to Become a Better Writer?
  8. Step 1: Determine Your Setting.

What is the best predictor of a jury verdict?

The strongest predictor of a jury’s verdict is the distribution of individual predeliberation verdicts: In approximately 90% of trials, the position favored by the majority at the beginning of deliberations becomes the jury verdict.

What is the most important determinant of jurors verdicts in criminal trials?

Jurors in both criminal and civil cases pay attention to the strength of the evidence. It’s the most important determinant of jurors’ verdicts.

How do you write a beautiful story?


  1. Get Started: Emergency Tips.
  2. Write a Catchy First Paragraph.
  3. Develop Your Characters.
  4. Choose a Point of View.
  5. Write Meaningful Dialogue.
  6. Use Setting and Context.
  7. Set up the Plot.
  8. Create Conflict and Tension.

What is the longest jury deliberation in history?

One of the longest jury deliberations in history took place in 2003 and lasted for 55 days. Jurors in Oakland, California faced the task of determining the fate of three police officers accused of assaulting and falsely arresting residents.