What is the vestibular apparatus another name?

What is the vestibular apparatus another name?

Vestibular structures The two membranous sacs of the vestibule, the utricle and the saccule, are known as the otolith organs. Because they respond to gravitational forces, they are also called gravity receptors.

What are the two components of the vestibular apparatus?

As movements consist of rotations and translations, the vestibular system comprises two components: the semicircular canals, which indicate rotational movements; and the otoliths, which indicate linear accelerations.

What does vestibular apparatus include?

The peripheral vestibular apparatus consists of the saccule, utricle, and semicircular canals.

What does the cochlea contain?

The cochlea contains the sensory organ of hearing. It bears a striking resemblance to the shell of a snail and in fact takes its name from the Greek word for this object. The cochlea is a spiral tube that is coiled two and one-half turns around a hollow central pillar, the modiolus.

How does the vestibular apparatus work?

The vestibular receptors lie in the inner ear next to the auditory cochlea. They detect rotational motion (head turns), linear motion (translations), and tilts of the head relative to gravity and transduce these motions into neural signals that can be sent to the brain.

What is the synonym of urban?

synonyms for urban

  • civic.
  • civil.
  • downtown.
  • metropolitan.
  • burghal.
  • central.
  • citified.
  • inner-city.

What is the synonym of Labyrinth?

Synonyms for labyrinthine baroque, byzantine, complex, complicate, complicated, convoluted, daedal, elaborate, intricate, involute, involved, knotty, labyrinthian, sophisticated, tangled

How many interwoven narratives are there in the Labyrinth?

The labyrinthine story, which progresses simultaneously through 13 interwoven narratives, is the very best kind of sci-fi mind-boggler and a pleasure to unravel from start to finish.

How did the three wend their way through labyrinthine shades?

The three wended through the labyrinthine shades, finding their way with almost the instinct of wild animals. Labyrinthine, subterranean, and full of subtleties as all these creeds appear to be, they are easy enough to comprehend. The administrative offices of a giant mill such as the Chippering in Hampton are labyrinthine.