What is TreeView used for?

What is TreeView used for?

The TreeView control is used to display hierarchical representations of items similar to the ways the files and folders are displayed in the left pane of the Windows Explorer. Each node may contain one or more child nodes.

What is DotNetBar?

DotNetBar Suite for Windows Forms is toolbox of 89 stunning components for creating professional user interface with ease using Visual Studio 2005 through 2015. For over 10 years DotNetBar is helping developers like you create sleek professional Windows Forms (WinForms) user interfaces with unparalleled ease.

Which event of the TreeView control is used for multiple selection of nodes?

TreeView supports to select the multiple nodes by specifying allowMultiSelection as true.

What is ListView in Visual Basic?

The ListView control is used to display a list of items. Along with the TreeView control, it allows you to create a Windows Explorer like interface. Let’s click on a ListView control from the Toolbox and place it on the form. The ListView control displays a list of items along with icons.

What is advanced TreeView control?

Advanced TreeView control has been designed from ground up to help you provide great looking hierarchical data presentation in your applications. We include multi-column support, multiple node selection, data-binding, on demand loading with 2 virtualization modes, editing support and more.

Does advanced TreeView support nested columns?

Advanced TreeView control supports top-level columns and child columns that can be defined for each node. You can have as many nested columns as you wish. Child nodes may inherit the root column definitions or ignore them depending on settings on each node. Nested columns feature is shown in screen-shot below:

What is the use of expandtoitem in TreeView?

For example, ExpandToItem method lets you find and expand the tree to the node based on the specific data-object, regardless of whether node container is generated or not. Advanced TreeView control comes with Office 2010 like Blue, Silver and Black styles, Windows 7 style and default simple style.

What is advanced multi column WPF tree control?

Advanced Multi-Column WPF Tree Control. Advanced TreeView control has been designed from ground up to help you provide great looking hierarchical data presentation in your applications. We include multi-column support, multiple node selection, data-binding, on demand loading with 2 virtualization modes, editing support and more.