What is valid users in SMB conf?

What is valid users in SMB conf?

The valid users option lists the users allowed to access the share. In this case, only the user dave is allowed to access the share. In some situations it is possible to specify that any user can access a disk share by using the guest ok parameter.

How do I add a valid user to Samba conf?

Once you have created the samba user, you need to add them to the samba share by editing the samba smb. conf file which is Samba’s configuration file. Scroll and locate the samba share, in this case, ‘documents’, and append the user to the list of valid users as shown in the 4th line in the configuration block below.

How do I add multiple users to Samba?

Let’s see how to create samba share multi user access. Now Enable and Start SMB service. Enabling service which will automatically start the smb service immediate after server reboot. # useradd ravi # useradd ramana # useradd srikanth # smbpasswd -a ravi New SMB password: Retype new SMB password: Added user ravi.

What is Sambashare group Linux?

Samba, also known as “Server Message Block,” is a Common Internet File System protocol used for sharing files, directories, and print services across a network on Linux. It allows you to grant read, write, and anonymous access permissions on a shared directory.

What is SMB conf?

The smb. conf file is a configuration file for the Samba suite. smb. conf contains runtime configuration information for the Samba programs.

What is SMB user?

The SMB user ID is determined from the user ID the user specifies when logging on to Windows. This user ID is mapped to a z/OS® user ID, and the password is taken as the password for the z/OS user ID (when using clear passwords) or the user’s SMB password in their RACF® DCE segment (when using encrypted passwords).

Where is SMB conf?

The main Samba configuration file is located in /etc/samba/smb. conf . The default configuration file has a significant number of comments in order to document various configuration directives.

How do I give access to samba shares?

Adding password-secured shares

  1. Open a terminal window on your Samba server.
  2. Create a new group with the command sudo addgroup smbgrp.
  3. Create a new user with the command sudo useradd shares -G smbgrp.
  4. Create a Samba password for the user with the command smbpasswd -a shares.
  5. Type and verify a password for the user.

How do I find my SMB conf?

The Samba config file, located at /etc/samba/smb. conf, has everything you need to control directory access and user permissions for your office.

How to add users to a group in samba?

These users will need to be added to the group entry account in the system group file ( /etc/group or equivalent) to be recognized as part of the group. Once they are, Samba will recognize those users as valid users for the share.

What are the SMB usershares parameters?

This capability is called usershares and is controlled by a set of parameters in the [global] section of the smb.conf. The relevant parameters are : Controls if usershares can permit guest access. Maximum number of user defined shares allowed.

How to change a user’s SMB password?

To change a users SMB password, the smbpasswd by default connects to the localhost – address as an SMB client to issue the password change request.

What are the possible values of a SMB config backend?

Possible values are file (the default) and registry . When config backend = registry is encountered while loading smb.conf , the configuration read so far is dropped and the global options are read from registry instead. So this triggers a registry only configuration.