What is water level control system?

What is water level control system?

The water level controller is an electronic device that detects the level of a liquid in a tank. It is used in a wide range of applications such as water and sewer services for office and apartment buildings, industrial applications for iron and steel, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, and semiconductor industries.

How does a level control system work?

In level-control systems, fluid flow rates are controlled by varying the degree of opening of a gate-type valve. Because of the forces involved, a pneumatic ‘actuator’ is normally employed, working off a controlled pressure in the range between 3-15 pounds per square inch (i.e. psi).

Is water level controller a closed loop system?

The envisaged system, which is a closed loop control device (Fig. 1), makes use of liquid level as input to control power supply to a liquid pump. Thus the output is a discrete variable (on/off) ac- tuated using an electronic circuit.

Why are block diagrams useful?

Block diagrams give us a better understanding of a system’s functions and help create interconnections within it. Block diagrams derive their name from the rectangular elements found in this type of diagram. They are used to describe hardware and software systems as well as to represent processes.

How do you make a water level controller?

To make this circuit you will need

  1. BC 547 Transistor X 3 = 9 INR.
  2. 220 K Ohm & 5.4 K Ohm resistors = 1.
  3. 1N4007 Diode = 1.
  4. 12V relay = 12.
  5. One, 3-pin PCD connector & two, 2-Pin PCB connector = 25.
  6. Wires = 5.
  7. PCB = 12.

What is the use of water level controller?

A water level controller helps save money by limiting the waste of water and electricity. These devices accurately regulate how much energy is used to protect against any unnecessary water/electricity usage. Over time, the money saved is quite substantial.

How water level control is done inside the boiler?

A level control system which is used only level as a measuring element would close the feed control valve, when it should be opening it. When the boiler load returns to normal the drum pressure will rise and steam bubble formation will reduce, causing a fall in water level.

What is water control valve?

Water valves regulate the flow and temperature in pipes and plumbing fixtures. When they are installed and operate properly, the valves control constant flow and volume.

What is level control loop?

Level control loops (Figure 1) are the most common example of loops containing integrating processes. An integrating process will stabilize at only one controller output, the point of equilibrium.

What is the purpose of a water level controller circuit?

This water-level controller circuit makes this system automatic. It switches on the pump when the water level in the overhead tank goes low and switches it off as soon as the water level reaches a pre-determined level. It also prevents ‘dry run’ of the pump in case water level in underground tank goes below suction level.

What do the C and s Mean on a water level controller?

In this water-level controller circuit, the common probes connecting the underground tank and the overhead tank to +9V supply are marked ‘C’. The other probe in underground tank, which is slightly above the ‘dry run’ level, is marked ‘S’.

What was the water level control made out of?

About 20 years ago, a friend of mine came to me saying that he had to repair a customer’s water level control made out of electromechanical relays which was falling apart. He understood that the original control relied on conductivity of water.

What are the common probes in a water-level controller?

In this water-level controller circuit, the common probes connecting the underground tank and the overhead tank to +9V supply are marked ‘C’. The other probe in underground tank, which is slightly above the ‘dry run’ level, is marked ‘S’. The low-level and high-level probes in the overhead tank are marked ‘L’ and ‘H’, respectively.