What is yohimbe HCL good for?

What is yohimbe HCL good for?

Yohimbe is promoted for erectile dysfunction, athletic performance, weight loss, angina (chest pain caused by not enough blood flow to the heart), high blood pressure, diabetic neuropathy, and more. Yohimbine hydrochloride, a standardized form of yohimbine, is available in the United States as a prescription drug.

What is rauwolscine used for?

People use rauwolscine for obesity, athletic performance, sexual arousal, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. Rauwolscine has been found in fat burning and workoutdietary supplements in Canada. They were recalled due to safety concerns.

Is rauwolscine a drug?

Rauwolfia is a group of plants that contain more than 30 chemical compounds, including the stimulants rauwolscine and yohimbine, as well as reserpine, which can be used as a drug.

Does yohimbe raise testosterone?

Free testosterone levels were higher at baseline in the responders but did not increase significantly with the higher doses of yohimbine. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels were not significantly higher at baseline in the responders, and they did not change with the higher dose of yohimbine.

How much does rauwolscine HCl cost?

Rauwolscine costs cca $25 (there’s a special discount for this product at the end of this review. Thank us later!) which is just a fraction of the price you’d have to pay for a supplement containing Rauwolscine HCL. Below you can find 3 useful reviews on this product that could give you a better picture of the effects it could have on your body:

Does rauwolscine work for fat loss?

Rauwolscine is a staple fat loss product for many people while dieting in order to maximize fat loss potential while maintaining steady energy levels and reducing those nasty cravings. You can expect: Appetite Suppression, increased fat loss and a boost of energy. Rauwolscine works by inhibiting the alpha 2-adrenergic receptors in the body.

What is rauwolscine?

Rauwolscine is a chemical. It is found in some plants, like yohimbeand Rauvolfia vomitoria. It can also be made in a laboratory. Rauwolscine is found in dietary supplements, but it might cause safety concerns. Rauwolscine is used for obesity, to improve athletic performance and sexual arousal, and for other conditions.

Is rauwolscine safe to take?

Although there isn’t enough reliable information about the safety of rauwolscine in humans, it is similar to another chemical called yohimbine. Yohimbine has been linked to reports of severe side effects including paralysis, seizure, dizziness, and others. Special Precautions and Warnings