What pins are allowed on American Legion cover?
Therfore, the Cap being the most visible sign of a Legionnaire is to be treated with dignity and respect. The Legion Cap will remain free of all pins, patches and devices on the emblem side of the cap. The Emblem side contains the Post number and Location, nothing else is permitted.
How do you wear an American Legion hat?
In Legion meetings, the cap should be worn except during moments of the Pledge of Allegiance, prayer, and when standing in silent reverence in memory of departed comrades, when the cap should be held with the right hand over the heart.
What is a VFW hat?
The official VFW cap for our meetings is the Green Shade regular weight Member cap with gold piping; Members are authorized wear of other earned VFW caps during meetings. Hats are not authorized for wear during VFW meetings, please be sure to remove them.
What are the duties of an American Legion chaplain?
As spiritual leader, the chaplain is an integral part of all American Legion ceremonies, especially the installation of officers; the initiation of new members; the dedication of halls, monuments or colors; and funeral services and other rituals that are standard throughout the organization.
How do you wear a Legion beret?
LEGION MEDALS AND LAPEL BADGES All Legion medals should be worn on the right breast and on the same horizontal line as Service Medals, and in order of precedence from left to right.
What does a white VFW hat mean?
One question among VFWs is the significance of the White Hat that a few of the members wore. The answer is that every year Department selects Commanders and Quartermasters that have met certain criteria and gives them a White Hat as an award. Only a handful are given each year, so it is a significant achievement.
How do you pray for chaplains?
Lord, May we all be moved to be chaplains wherever You place us. May we be your hands and feet, bringing blessings to those we encounter as we receive your blessings. May we be your voice as we speak into distress and chaos, speaking for justice and love as you speak through us.