What should be included in an ePortfolio?

What should be included in an ePortfolio?

What should you put in your e-portfolio?

  1. Two paragraphs on your career goals and objectives.
  2. PDF or HTML versions of your résumé
  3. Contact information.
  4. At least two artifacts with descriptions that showcase your skills.
  5. Personal photograph.
  6. Information about awards and honors received.

What are the four characteristics of ePortfolio?

4 Characteristics of a Quality ePortfolio

  • Measure student learning (qualitative, thinking made visible)
  • Use as a tool for college admissions or job interview.
  • Reflection and record keeping.

Which elements of an ePortfolio is the most essential?

1. Quality Pictures. The pictures in your portfolio are, without question, the most important aspect overall.

What is E portfolio format?

An e-portfolio is an electronic format for students to: record their work, goals, and achievements. reflect on their learning. share their learning and receive feedback and feedforward.

How do you introduce yourself in an ePortfolio?

  1. Introduce yourself. Tell readers who you are in the first line of your portfolio introduction.
  2. Aim for a friendly, casual tone.
  3. Decide which professional experience to include.
  4. Consider listing awards and accolades.
  5. Add a few personal details.
  6. Include a photo of yourself.
  7. Proofread and edit.

What is ePortfolio format?

What is the difference between portfolio and ePortfolio?

Portfolios, electronic or paper, are spaces where one can collect artifacts and curate work. An ePortfolio allows for a digitalized collection of artifacts geared towards a certain purpose and a particular audience.

How to create an ePortfolio?

– Open ePortfolios. In Global Navigation, click the Account link [1], then click the ePortfolios link [2]. – Create an ePortfolio. Click the Create an ePortfolio button. – Create ePortfolio. Name your ePortfolio by typing in the ePortfolio Name field [1]. – View ePortfolio. – Edit ePortfolio.

What is the purpose of an e portfolio?

Types of Portfolios. Business portfolios display work a company has accomplished.

  • Create an Attention-Getting Portfolio
  • Evaluate the Objective. Know what your objective is when you assemble your portfolio.
  • Create an Outline.
  • Compile Your Best Work.
  • Include Relevant Technology.
  • Include Contact Information.
  • Practice Demonstrating Your Portfolio.
  • How to make an ePortfolio easy?

    Customize how headings and menu items are displayed

  • Upload more image galleries showcasing your work
  • Create a listing page to allow easy navigation between your galleries
  • Add a more detailed bio or resume explaining your work experience
  • Create a page linking to your published work
  • How to make an ePortfolio on Google?

    – Sign into your Google account and click on the App launcher – Go to Sites to create your eportfolio – Click the create button to start – Then follow these steps to finish site creation