What to use instead of this shows in an essay?

What to use instead of this shows in an essay?

this shows / synonymsthis demonstrates. phr.this illustrates. phr.this suggests. phr.this indicates. phr.this proves. phr.this displays. phr.this implies. phr. & v.this portrays. phr.

What can I say instead of show?

showdisplay,disport,exhibit,expose,flash,flaunt,lay out,parade,

What should I say instead of as?

RELATED WORDS AND SYNONYMS FOR ASas.as a result of.as long as.as things go.being.by cause of.by reason of.by virtue of.

What to say at the beginning of a conclusion?

How to write an excellent thesis conclusionRestate the thesis. The best way to start a conclusion is simply by restating the thesis statement. Review or reiterate key points of your work. The next step is to review the main points from the paper. Explain why your work is relevant. A take-home message for the reader.

How do you end a story example?

5 Good Story Endings ExamplesTake Them by Surprise.Play on Their Sentiments with an Elegiac Fade Out.Throw Them a Punchline.Leave Open Questions and Create Suspense.Repeat the Theme of the Opening Scene.

What is a good story ending?

4 Elements of a Satisfying Ending A reader should walk away with a feeling that the story is complete. Transformation: A story’s ending should bring a powerful close to your character development. The main character has learned valuable lessons along the way and the ending should illustrate their transformation.

When should you end a chapter?

Generally speaking, you want to end a chapter in a way that encourages the reader to move onto the next one. You do that by setting up something akin to a minor cliff-hanger.

What makes an ending good?

An effective ending seals the readers’ satisfaction with your piece. It leaves them thinking and maybe talking about it long after they have finished reading. A story ending can be either happy or sad; it can leave the reader uplifted or pensive or heartbroken. But it has to feel “right.”