What were the Indian wars Apush?

What were the Indian wars Apush?

The American Indian Wars, or Indian Wars, were the multiple conflicts between American settlers or the United States government and the native peoples of North America from the time of earliest colonial settlement until 1890.

What were boomtowns Apush?

Term used to describe mining camps that grew rapidly in size to become cities almost overnight. Called boomtowns because they “boomed” in size and population. Usually grew in size after a mineral strike was discovered around the camp and people flocked to the area to reap the benefits.

What new policy in 1867 replaced the concentration policy?

In 1867, the Indian Peace Commission suggested replacing the concentration policy with a plan to move all the Plains Indians into two large reservations—one in Indian Territory (Oklahoma) and other in the Dakotas.

Who was William Pitt Apush?

William Pitt- A British statesman who helped divert resources to the British army. Also, he oversaw the Seven Years’ War at the same time. General Edward Braddock- He served as the Commander of the British army. He died in battle, leaving his second in command to take over: Colonel George Washington.

Why is the Battle of Little Bighorn significant?

The Battle of the Little Bighorn is significant because it proved to be the height of Native American power during the 19th century. It was also the worst U.S. Army defeat during the Plains Wars.

What were the overland trails Apush?

The Overland Trail was the route taken by nineteenth-century travelers who left the Mississippi Valley to settle on the Pacific Coast, going either to California or the Willamette Valley in Oregon. The wagon trip took at least six months.

Why did the Indian Peace Commission fail?

The Peace Commission failed to end conflict between western nations’ territorial claims and U.S. expansionism. From 1860 to 1890 reservation lands came under extreme pressure from white settlers, leading to increased conflict, while the U.S. army failed to distribute promised annuities.

What was the 100th meridian Apush?

100th meridian. Line north to south from the Dakotas through west Texas. Lands west of this line were generally poor and marginal. Settlers rashly tried to farm here in the 1870’s and met ruin. “Dry farming”

What are the main points of Turner’s frontier thesis?

The Frontier thesis was formulated 1893, when American historian Frederick Jackson Turner theorized that the availability of unsettled land throughout much of American history was the most important factor determining national development.

Why was Frederick Jackson Turner’s theory about the frontier flawed?

Turner’s thesis, then, is greatly flawed because itfails to’account for the differences- economic, cultural, social, etc. -which coexisted in America and made for a variety of American experiences.