Whats a zip code near Western Australia?

Whats a zip code near Western Australia?


Postcode Suburb Category
6000 PERTH GPO, WA Delivery Area
6831 PERTH ST GEORGES TCE, WA Post Office Boxes
2795 PERTHVILLE, NSW Delivery Area

What is the postcode of South Perth WA?

6151South Perth / Zip code

What is the postcode of East Perth?

6004East Perth / Postal code

What is Western Australia area code?

Area codes

Area code Region State or territory
03 South East Victoria, Tasmania
04 Mobile telephones Australia-wide
07 North East Queensland
08 Central and West Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory

What is the postcode for West Leederville?

6007West Leederville / Postal code

What is Hobart’s postcode?

7000Hobart / Zip code

Is Perth West or East?

Perth is part of the South West Land Division of Western Australia, with most of the metropolitan area on the Swan Coastal Plain between the Indian Ocean and the Darling Scarp.

What is the postcode for North Perth?

6006North Perth / Postal code

How do I dial an 08 number?

Depending on the service provider within the country of origin, you may be able to call an 08 or 03 number from outside the UK. To do so, you will need to drop the 0 from the start of the number and instead dial +44 followed by the rest of the number.

Is zip code post code?

A ZIP code is the term used to describe the postal code system in the United States. It is a series of numbers that communicates information about people within different geographic groupings. There are two ZIP code systems within the United States, ZIP and ZIP+4.