When should you take a COVID-19 test after exposure?

When should you take a COVID-19 test after exposure?

YES: Get tested at least 5 days after exposure. Follow quarantine guidance while waiting to test.

Are rapid COVID-19 tests accurate?

How accurate are my rapid test results? Positive results are usually highly accurate but negative results may need to be confirmed with a PCR test. Rapid tests are most effective one to five days after symptoms start.

Where can I find a location that has at-home over-the-counter COVID-19 tests?

Consumers can visit stores online or in-person. The Biden-Harris Administration is also strongly incentivizing health plans and insurers to set up a network of convenient options across the country like pharmacies or retailers, including online retailers, where people can get COVID-19 tests for free at the point of sale, rather than having to submit claims for reimbursement. Consumers can find out from their plan or insurer if it is providing direct coverage of over-the-counter COVID-19 tests through such a network of preferred pharmacies or retailers.

What should I do if I’ve been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19 if my vaccine is not up-to-date?

Stay home and quarantine for at least 5 full days. Wear a well-fitted mask if you must be around others in your home. Do not travel. Even if you don’t develop symptoms, get tested at least 5 days after you last had close contact with someone with COVID-19.

How long is COVID-19 contagious?

Here’s what we know from studies of prior variants, including Delta: On average, people can begin spreading the virus 2-3 days before their symptoms begin, but infectiousness peaks 1 day before their symptoms begin. On average, people can continue to spread the virus another 8 days after their symptoms began.

Are COVID-19 rapid antigen tests accurate if no symptoms are present?

Antigen tests are still fairly accurate, particularly when someone is experiencing symptoms and their viral load is very high. However, they can be less accurate when someone has a lower viral load, such as in someone without symptoms. This could lead to false negative test results.

Are molecular or rapid COVID-19 tests more accurate?

Molecular tests are generally more accurate and mostly processed in a laboratory, which takes longer; antigen tests—or “rapid tests”—are processed pretty much anywhere, including at home, in doctors’ offices, or in pharmacies.