Where is your abdomen on your body?

Where is your abdomen on your body?

The abdomen (commonly called the belly) is the body space between the thorax (chest) and pelvis. The diaphragm forms the upper surface of the abdomen. At the level of the pelvic bones, the abdomen ends and the pelvis begins.

What organs are in lower abdomen?

The abdomen contains many vital organs: the stomach, the small intestine (jejunum and ileum), the large intestine (colon), the liver, the spleen, the gallbladder, the pancreas, the uterus, the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder, and many blood vessels (arteries and veins).

What organ is on the left side of your body?

The left side of the body houses a number of vital organs. Under and around the left breastbone are the heart, spleen, stomach, pancreas, and large intestine. And that’s in addition to the left lung, left breast, and left kidney, which actually sits higher in the body than the right one.

What organ is behind your stomach?

Pancreas: Your pancreas is located behind your stomach and is attached to both your gall bladder and your small intestines.

What is the difference between stomach and abdomen?

Abdomen and Stomach are two major body parts for animals. The stomach is a part of the abdomen and together they help to absorb and digest the food taken. Apart from the stomach, the abdomen also contains other organs such as small intestine, colon and Liver.

What is the cause of pain below the abdomen?

Lower abdominal pain is common and often results from trapped wind, period pain, or a UTI. However, long lasting or severe lower abdominal pain may signify an underlying condition, such as IBD. It is important that you seek medical help if you are concerned about your lower abdominal pain.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt?

Swallowing excess air, eating high-fat foods that delay stomach emptying, and even stress can contribute to abdominal bloating and lower abdominal pain. Intestinal and stomach-related conditions that cause these symptoms include: constipation. an intolerance to certain ingredients, such as lactose or gluten.

What organ makes your left side hurt?

Damaged, Ruptured, or Enlarged Spleen: The spleen is located on the side of the upper left abdomen, behind the ribs (NHS, 2019). It is an important organ for the body’s immune system. Any condition that might affect the spleen is a direct cause for pain felt in the left side of the body.

When should I worry about left side pain?

Generally, intermittent left side pain is a sign of gas or indigestion and should pass on its own. But if you notice severe abdominal pain on the left side of your body in conjunction with any of the following symptoms, it’s time to call the doctor: Fever. Nausea or vomiting.

What organs lie beneath the ribs?

Explanation: The smaller lobe of the liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach, left adrenal gland, left kidney, left ureter, left Fallopian tube (female) left ovary (female), left testis (male), the descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectosigmoid colon, and the rectum are all on the left side of the body underneath the rib cage.

What is the area below the belly button called?

This part of your abdomen is referred to as the umbilical region. It contains parts of your stomach, small and large intestine, and your pancreas. There are many conditions that can cause periumbilical pain. Some of them are quite common while others are rarer.

What organs are located in the abdomen?

Hypochonadriac ( Right and left)

  • Lumbar ( Right and left)
  • Iliac (Right and left)
  • Epigastric (upper mid)
  • Umbilical (center mid)
  • Hypogastric (Pubic)
  • What organs are in your abdomen?


  • spleen.
  • pancreas.
  • kidneys.
  • adrenal gland.
  • part of your colon.
  • liver.
  • gallbladder.
  • How many abdominal muscles are there in the human body?

    There are about 600 muscles in the human body.

  • The three main types of muscle include skeletal,smooth and cardiac.
  • The brain,nerves and skeletal muscles work together to cause movement – this is collectively known as the neuromuscular system.
  • Where is the stomach in the human body?

    The stomach is located inside the abdominal cavity in a small area called the bed of the stomach, onto which the stomach lies when the body is in a supine position, or lying face up. It spans several regions of the abdomen, including the epigastric, umbilical, left hypochondriac, and left flank regions.