Which IC is used in water level indicator?

Which IC is used in water level indicator?

In this project, we will be discussing the design of a water level indicator circuit using two methods. In the first circuit, we are using the BC 547 transistor as the main part and in the second circuit, ULN2003 IC is playing the major role.

How do you make an automatic water level indicator?

To make this circuit you will need

  1. BC 547 Transistor X 3 = 9 INR.
  2. 220 K Ohm & 5.4 K Ohm resistors = 1.
  3. 1N4007 Diode = 1.
  4. 12V relay = 12.
  5. One, 3-pin PCD connector & two, 2-Pin PCB connector = 25.
  6. Wires = 5.
  7. PCB = 12.

What is water level indicator using transistor?

The water level indicator circuit consists of a transistor element and a buzzer which indicates the overflow of water or excessive water in the container. When the water reaches to maximum limit it shows and blinks the LED with buzzer sound to stop pouring or filling water.

What is water level indicator circuit?

Water Level Indicator. The water level alarm circuit is a simple mechanism to detect and indicate the level of water in the overhead tank and also in the other containers. Nowadays, all the householders/owners are storing the water in overhead tanks by using the pumps.

What is the use of water alarm?

A water detector is an electronic device that is designed to detect the presence of water for purposes such as to provide an alert in time to allow the prevention of water leakage.

How do you use water indicators?

How to Use

  1. Simply push into soil or compost in pots for Indoor use only.
  2. The indicator will tell you when your plant needs more water. A red window display means your plant needs water adding, blue means no water needed.
  3. Once you have watered your plant the indicator will change colour from red to blue within 2 hours.

How does water sensor detect water?

A common design is a small cable or device that lies flat on a floor and relies on the electrical conductivity of water to decrease the resistance across two contacts. The device then sounds an audible alarm together with providing onward signalling in the presence of enough water to bridge the contacts.

How do water sensors work?

How Do Water Sensors Work? Water sensors detect the presence of water and, when placed in locations where water should not be present, a leak. When Wi-Fi is enabled, the sensor can send out a notification to the homeowner through a smartphone app.

How does the water level indicator circuit work?

The water level indicator circuit is build around a hex inverter buffer CMOS IC. The water level indicator circuit has six level indications because it contains six independent inverter units. When the water levels with the sensor element in output goes high making the respective LED ‘ON’.

What do the LED illuminations of the water level indicator mean?

The LED illuminations give a direct indication of the water levels, as these are stationed with calibrated positions in the tank (see circuit diagram) Simulation: A rough simulation of the discussed water level indicator circuit is shown below.

What is the sensitivity of a water level indicator?

The value of R can be selected to give the water level indicator circuit any desired sensitivity up to a maximum of about 20 MΩ. Sensor elements can be inserted in screw capped glass tube of 2cm diameter and length equal to the depth of the water tank which is open at the base end.

What is cd4011 CMOS IC used for?

This IC is utilized in many instruments like Audio Docks (Portable), Audio/Visual Receivers, and Blu-Ray Players. Here is a venture of a LED flasher circuit utilizing a CD4011 CMOS IC.