Who is Geoffrey Chaucer biography?

Who is Geoffrey Chaucer biography?

Geoffrey Chaucer is considered one of the first great English poets. He is the author of such works as The Parlement of Foules, Troilus and Criseyde, and The Canterbury Tales. Humorous and profound, his writings show him to be an acute observer of his time with a deft command of many literary genres.

What are the three periods of Chaucer’s writings?

Literary critics and historians have tended to partition Chaucer’s literary career into three major periods: the French, the Italian and the English, of which the last is a development of the first two. What is referred to as Chaucer’s French period lasted until 1372.

Who was Geoffrey Chaucer give 3 important facts about his life?

1) Chaucer had at least nine other major works besides the Canterbury Tales, and wrote a number of short poems as well. 2) There’s a crater on the far side of the moon named for Chaucer. 3) Chaucer had a part-time government job collecting scrap metal for reuse and also worked as a diplomat.

What did Geoffrey Chaucer write about?

Chaucer is believed to have written the poem Troilus and Criseyde sometime in the mid-1380s. Troilus and Criseyde is a narrative poem that retells the tragic love story of Troilus and Criseyde in the context of the Trojan War. Chaucer wrote the poem using rime royal, a technique he originated.

What was Geoffrey Chaucer’s first poem?

The Book of the Duchess
Chaucer’s first major work was The Book of the Duchess, an elegy for Blanche of Lancaster who died in 1368. Two other early works were Anelida and Arcite and The House of Fame.

When did Geoffrey Chaucer write The Canterbury Tales?

The Canterbury Tales was one of the first major works in literature written in English. Chaucer began the tales in 1387 and continued until his death in 1400.

How many periods can be distinguished in Geoffrey Chaucer?

Literary critics and historians have tended to partition Chaucer’s literary career into three major periods: the French, the Italian and the English.

How many phases are there in Chaucer’s career?

Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?- 1400) is rightfully called the first prominent figure of English Literature who transformed not just literature but also the language of England. His political and literary career, spanning for almost fifty years is categorized into three distinct phases.

What was Geoffrey Chaucer masterpiece?

Without a doubt, Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales endures as a masterpiece of English literature.

What are 5 facts about Geoffrey Chaucer?

Five Fascinating Facts about Geoffrey Chaucer

  • One of Chaucer’s earliest poems was ‘An ABC’, an acrostic which he wrote for people to use in prayer.
  • On St.
  • He was charged with ‘rape’.
  • He was an MP.
  • In 1998, an original Caxton printing of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales sold at auction for $7.4 million.

How old was Geoffrey Chaucer when he died?

60 years (1340–1400)Geoffrey Chaucer / Age at death