Who is the surprise guest at dinner The Golden Compass?

Who is the surprise guest at dinner The Golden Compass?

However, Pullman is not at all interested in keeping my train of thought on the Dust, because then he introduces us to one of the guests at this dinner: “Mrs. Coulter,” he said, “this is our Lyra. Lyra, come and say hello to Mrs.

What happened in chapter 12 of The Golden Compass?

The Lost Boy When the rescue party stops for a rest, John Faa asks Lyra to ask the alethiometer about Bolvangar’s defenses. She does and tells John Faa that there are 60 men with wolf daemons and rifles – the Sibirsk regiment. Lyra also learns that there’s a kind of ghost that’s haunting a neighboring village.

Who poisoned Lord Asriel in The Golden Compass?

the Master of Jordan
The plot truly begins when Lyra’s uncle and guardian, Lord Asriel, is almost poisoned by the Master of Jordan. The Master of Jordan has practically raised Lyra; therefore, it comes as a surprise that he would try to kill Lord Asriel (Lyra’s father, unbeknownst to her).

Who does Lyra betray in The Golden Compass?

Lyra and the gyptians successfully rescue Roger from Bolvangar at the end of Part 2, but ultimately Roger will become a character of sacrifice and a symbol of Lyra’s (accidental) betrayal. Though Lyra’s goal is to save Roger, she ends up getting him killed when she brings him along to see Lord Asriel.

Why did Mrs Coulter give up Lyra?

Having learned that Lyra was destined to be the new Eve – the fate of every world resting on a choice she was foretold to make – Mrs Coulter vowed to stop her daughter from bringing about another Fall. She would protect Lyra and thereby save humanity from Dust and sin.

What happens in Chapter 15 of The Golden Compass?

Billy points out a secret hiding place to Lyra. One of the ceiling panels in the canteen is loose, and he says there’s a big crawl space up there. Lyra sees this not as a hiding place but a “highway” (15.54) – that is, a way to escape. A doctor tells all the kids that they’ll be having a practice fire drill.

What happened in chapter 16 of The Golden Compass?

The subject turns to cutting, and we find out that they’ve developed a new technique involving a silver guillotine that severs child and daemon. Mrs. Coulter leaves and Lyra hears the remaining staff discuss her “ghoulish” pleasure in watching the cutting (16.84). Lyra gasps at one point and knocks her foot.

How Does The Golden Compass end?

That scene did get shot for the 2007 Golden Compass, but it never made it to the theaters. Instead, the movie ends on a shot of Lyra and her soon-to-be-murdered friend floating serenely toward Lord Asriel in a hot air balloon, secure in their mutual certainty that Asriel will fix everything.

What happened in Chapter 13 of The Hobbit?

Summary and Analysis Chapter 13 – Not at Home. The dwarves are trapped in darkness, not knowing where Smaug is. Bilbo decides to go down the tunnel once again, and the dwarves watch as he makes his way. After he is in the dragon’s lair, Bilbo pockets the Arkenstone, making excuses to himself for the theft.

How is compassion shown in the Golden Compass?

This is the only explicit mention of compassion in The Golden Compass. Lyra’s compassion is so strong that in order to defend Tony’s honor Pantalaimon takes the form of a snow leopard. In this way, he mimicks Lord Asriel ’ s dæ mon. Lyra has met her father only a handful of times.

Why did Smaug fly to Lake town in Chapter 13?

Summary: Chapter 13 Smaug guesses from Bilbo’s riddles that the company is somehow involved with the men of Lake Town, so he flies there to wreak vengeance. The hobbit and dwarves cower in the dark passage until they can bear it no longer. They slowly creep down toward Smaug’s chamber.

What is Bilbo’s Hope in The Hobbit?

The group travels down through the mountain, cautious even though they think Smaug is outside. Bilbo’s hope is an important weapon in the group’s conflict with Smaug. He first develops this sense of optimism when he’s trapped under the Misty Mountains, and it serves him well when he’s trapped under the Lonely Mountain.