Why do children need arginine?

Why do children need arginine?

Arginine is an important amino acid which plays a role in height growth. It promotes the multiplication of cells at the growth plate in bones to help bones grow longer.

Is arginine supplementation safe?

L-arginine is considered to be generally safe. It might be effective at lowering blood pressure, reducing the symptoms of angina and PAD , and treating erectile dysfunction due to a physical cause. However, if you take a blood pressure drug, talk to your doctor before using L-arginine.

How old do you have to be to take L-Arginine?

Children younger than 18 years of age should not take L-arginine because of a lack of research to support its safety in this population. Because L-arginine is a supplement, it is not as closely regulated by the Food and Drug Administration as medications are.

What foods contain arginine?

Foods that are high in protein naturally contain l-arginine including:

  • Meat (red meat, chicken, turkey).
  • Fish (salmon, haddock).
  • Nuts and seeds (almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds).
  • Legumes (soybeans, chickpeas).
  • Whole grains (brown rice, oats).
  • Dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese).

Is L-Arginine good for skin?

Arginine keeps your skin firm, plump and smooth. Arginine hydrates dry skin and restores moisture. Arginine is known for its anti-aging effects and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Is L-Arginine a growth hormone?

Cellular growth is stimulated by several amino acids. l-Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid required for infants and child growth that promotes GH secretion by inhibiting somatostatin, which suppresses the GH-releasing hormone [13].

Is arginine safe for babies?

Children: L-arginine is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth in premature infants in appropriate doses, when used by children in a toothpaste, or when inhaled. However, L-arginine is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in high doses. Doses that are too high can cause serious side effects including death in children.

Does arginine stimulate growth hormone in children?

Wood cites evidence that arginine, along with the amino acids lysine and orthinine, may stimulate growth hormone in children and teens. However, he advocates an increase in dietary protein and discourages supplementation for teenage athletes.

What is arginine used for?

Arginine, or L-arginine, is an amino acid that is made in the body. As a supplement, it seems to help with several conditions, from migraines to inflammation.

Is arginine good for athletic performance?

L-Arginine and Athletic Performance. Dr. Wood cites evidence that arginine, along with the amino acids lysine and orthinine, may stimulate growth hormone in children and teens. However, he advocates an increase in dietary protein and discourages supplementation for teenage athletes.